
get involved in是什么意思 get involved in在线翻译 get involved in什么意思 get involved in的意思 get involved in的翻译 get involved in的解释

get involved in [ɡet ɪnˈvɔlvd in]  [ɡɛt ɪnˈvɑlvd ɪn] 

get involved in 基本解释


get involved in 网络解释

1. get involved in

1. 参加:花费:spend, take, cost, put in, make effort | 参加:join, take part in, participate in, engage in, get involved in, attend, be a part of | 调整,调节:adjust, regulate, control

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 卷入,牵涉再内:44.muster up courage 鼓起勇气 | 45.get involved in 卷入,牵涉再内 | 46.take turns doing 轮流做

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 涉及:get into 进入 | get involved in 涉及 | get left 失效

4. get involved in的解释

4. 卷入:11. make way for 给......让路,让位于 | 12. get involved in 卷入 | 1. virtual reality 虚拟现实

get involved in 双语例句

1. I believe that is my position; however, I do not have time to get more involved in this sort of matters.

2. He put out a request online for other creative people, such as photographers, illustrators, editors and designers, in similar circumstances to get involved.

3. He's been wanting to get more involved in my workplace life.

4. Affect image scanning there are many factors of quality, resolution, color correction, image enhancement, file formats, file storage, system resources constitute a far more involved where, in fact, even if these problems could figure it out, you can take a rest, to get a perfect nanomorphology, also need to check the quality of the scanned image, and the vast majority of users up to this point.

5. I don't want to get involved in some lengthy argument about who is to blame.

6. get involved in

6. Former winner Gu Chi, then an undergraduate from Xiamen University said it is certainly a thrilling experience to get involved in the competition, but he now takes a more conservative and sensible approach.

7. get involved in

7. How, when and why did you first get involved in the martial arts?

8. I wastold that in a previous life the lama I was involved with had had amistress who caused him some trouble, and in order to get rid of her hecast a spell which caused her illness later resulting in her death.

9. get involved in的反义词

9. I was told that in a previous life the lama I was involved with had had a mistress who caused him some trouble, and in order to get rid of her he cast a spell which caused her illness later resulting in her death.

10. I wastold that in a previous life the lama Iwas involved with had had a mistress who caused him some trouble, andin order to get rid of her he cast a spell which caused her illnesslater resulting in her death.

11. I don't want to get involved in/step into this matter.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. Issues that could get in the way involve the complex ownership situation affecting Chrysler, with Chrysler's debtholders involved in difficult negotiations on how to administer the company.

13. In turn, you get buy-in from developers by keeping them involved in the architecture process.

14. Political activists engage in such acts to help the authorities mobilize people to get involved in the electoral process.

15. get involved in的意思

15. I Got A Feeling She Keeps Me In The Dark I Gotta Get Keep My Eye On Her She Aint'no Walk In The Park Id Offer This But She Want That She She She Want It All You See She Wanted To Paint The Picture And Say She My Broad I Got A Little Tip From Word On The Block People Saying I Shouldn't Get Involved But I Don'Judge Or And Try To Chage It Cause You Are Who You Are Im Like The Drug She's Addicted To Me She Can't Leave Me Now She Always Makin Plans To Date...

16. The audience as aesthetic recipients has to employ various senses and get deeply involved in the film and appreciation.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. To get really involved, participants not only need an idea, but they must also produce a graphic design of the user interface and have the ability to program in Flex or Adobe Flash.
      如果想要加入,參賽者不僅需要有想法,同時也必須畫出使用者介面的平面設計圖以及要能夠透過 Flex 或 Flash 來編寫程式。

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

18. Meaning to take responsibility in all circumstances by oneself instead than letting others to get involved.

19. If I were you I wouldn't get involved in their problems.

20. I don`t want to get involved in his business.

get involved in 单语例句

1. The bureau also intends to get involved in directly calculating and examining the economic operations at various local levels.

2. But they couldn't get a commercial license for the plant despite its popularity among farmers involved in the field trials.

3. University presidents should be allowed and encouraged to strive for this goal rather than get involved in the administrative ladder.

4. One recent measure was completion of the research report To Get NGOs Involved in National Lawmaking for HIV Control Work.

5. Premier Wen Jiabao said during Merkel's visit that China would consider how to get " more deeply involved " in resolving Europe's debt crisis.

6. Companies cannot get involved in direct selling in any region of China without first obtaining license approval from the government region by region.

7. To encourage more university graduates to get involved in the project, the organizers are strengthening their efforts to assist volunteers in finding employment afterwards.

8. Groups are mobilizing to get an underrepresented group of eligible voters involved in the process.

9. BEIJING - China is boosting its effort to get more people involved in sports with the enhancement of one of its nationwide fitness campaigns.

10. We will continue to get actively involved in economic globalization and work to build a fair and equitable international trading regime and financial system.

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