
ginger是什么意思 ginger在线翻译 ginger什么意思 ginger的意思 ginger的翻译 ginger的解释 ginger的发音 ginger的同义词 ginger的反义词 ginger的例句

ginger [ˈdʒɪndʒə(r)]  [ˈdʒɪndʒɚ] 


ginger 基本解释

名词姜黄色; 姜,生姜; 精力,活力


及物动词使有活力,使兴奋; 用姜给…调味

ginger 相关例句


1. ginger在线翻译

1. His humorous toast gingered up the party.

1. Put some ginger into it.


1. There is no ginger in the young man.

ginger 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 生姜:71 生姜(Ginger)最好的就是他的理疗功能,不过它还有增强记忆作用. 生姜带给你温暖的感觉能让你打开身体和心灵. 就让这生姜打开你记忆的盒子,让你们感情中的点点滴滴浮现,轮流的讲述记忆中快乐的点滴你们会感觉生活是如此的富足.

2. ginger的解释

2. 姜精油:姜精油(Ginger)简述:改善感冒、积痰、喉咙痛、胀气、孕吐(吸入法)、恶心、消化不良、关节炎、风湿痛、瘀伤、扭伤、脱臼、催情,治疗性无能,适合产后护理. 改善皮肤血色,活血化瘀. 激励人心,改善神经衰弱精神疲惫、晕眩、活络思绪.

3. ginger的反义词

3. 金吉儿:英格兰北部观光景点伊星沃玉米迷宫(EasingwoldMaize Maze)农民凯吉尔(Paul Caygill)指出,这只猪名叫金吉儿(Ginger),9日用它的下颚夹住戒子. 他说:「并非蓄意或是什麼,它并没将戒子拿走,而是将钻戒中间的宝石拿走.

ginger 词典解释

    Ginger is the root of a plant that is used to flavour food. It has a sweet spicy flavour and is often sold in powdered form.


2. 姜黄色
    Ginger is used to describe things that are orangey-brown in colour.


    e.g. She was a mature lady with dyed ginger hair.

ginger 单语例句

1. This is the baby naming ceremony, also called a Red Egg and Ginger party.

2. Place the grated radish and carrot in a bowl and grate the ginger into the mixture.

3. Add the ground ginger to the mixture and rub the chicken all over, massaging the spices well into the skin and inside the cavity.

4. Stuff the bashed up ginger and spring onions into the stomach cavity.

5. Heat up stock and add pumpkin and carrots together with a teaspoon of ginger juice.

6. To make your own, finely grate two teaspoons of ginger onto a piece of muslin or cheesecloth.

7. The diligent chef normally starts preparing stew pot soup at 5 am, putting all materials together with some ginger slices and cooking wine into a pot.

8. Heat up a little oil in a large pan or Chinese wok, and add shredded ginger and Sichuan peppercorns.

9. The duck gets its sweet scent from ordinary spices of Chinese food, such as green onion and ginger.

10. This is because traditional Chinese pharmacology defines the crabs as intensely cooling, and the ginger will warm the body.

ginger 英英释义


1. liveliness and energy

    e.g. this tonic is guaranteed to give you more pep

    Synonym: peppeppiness

2. pungent rhizome of the common ginger plant
    used fresh as a seasoning especially in Asian cookery

    Synonym: gingerroot

3. dried ground gingerroot

    Synonym: powdered ginger

4. perennial plants having thick branching aromatic rhizomes and leafy reedlike stems


1. add ginger to in order to add flavor

    e.g. ginger the soup


1. (used especially of hair or fur) having a bright orange-brown color

    e.g. a man with gingery hair and bright blue eyes
           a ginger kitten

    Synonym: gingery

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