
given是什么意思 given在线翻译 given什么意思 given的意思 given的翻译 given的解释 given的发音 given的同义词 given的反义词 given的例句

given [ˈgɪvn]  [ˈɡɪvən] 


given 基本解释

形容词指定的,确定的; 假设的,假定的; 有…倾向的; 赠送的

介词(表示原因)考虑到; (表示假设)倘若,假定


动词给予,赠送( give的过去分词)


given 相关词组


1. be given to : 沉溺于(热心于);

given 相关例句


1. given的意思

1. You have to finish the work within the given time.

2. The given radius being 4 ft., find the circumference.

3. Do it within the given time.

4. She is a young girl given to tears.


1. Given the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.

given 情景对话


B:I‘m calling about mistake on our last invoice .

A:What was it ?


B:We should have been given the large quantity price .


A:Yes ,that is absolutely right .



B:How do you handle your failure?


A:None of us was born "perfect". I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake.


A:I'd like to make a person-to-person call to Nanjing, China.

B:Who do you wish to talk to?


A:To Mr. Li at 6632-6973.

B:will you hold the line, please? There is no Li at that number.Will you check the number again, please?

A:What the number I gave you, operator?


B:It's 6632-6973.

A:I've given you a wrong number.

B:I'm afraid you have the wrong number. I suggest you look in the phone book.

given 网络解释

1. given是什么意思

1. 特定的:故故一物之力,即其借以做某事或努力去做某事的努力,不论出于自己或是出于与他物合作--这就是说,(据第三部分命题六)一物竭力保持自己的存在的力量或努力不是别的,即是那物自身的特定的(given)或现实的本质.

given 词典解释


2. 特定的;指定的
    If you talk about, for example, any given position or a given time, you mean the particular position or time that you are discussing.

    e.g. In chess there are typically about 36 legal moves from any given board position...
    e.g. Over a given period, the value of shares will rise and fall.

3. 如果有(机会等)
    Given is used when indicating a possible situation in which someone has the opportunity or ability to do something. For example, given the chance means 'if I had the chance'.

    e.g. Write down the sort of thing you would like to do, given the opportunity...
    e.g. Given patience, successful breeding of this species can be achieved.

4. 考虑到;鉴于
    If you say given that something is the case, you mean taking that fact into account.


    e.g. Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, given that I don't earn that much.

5. 考虑到
    If you say given something, you mean taking that thing into account.


    e.g. Given the uncertainty over Leigh's future I was left with little other choice.

6. 经常的;习惯的
    If you are given to doing something, you often do it.

    e.g. I am not very given to emotional displays.

given 单语例句

1. Given the limited business scope of ROs, you may think the scale of operations should be small.

2. Sorensen told China Business Weekly that the company's efforts in China are focused on diabetes, given poor public awareness about this chronic disease.

3. " I may have given up but for my teacher's encouragement, " Hu says.

4. Buyer's credit are loans given to the buyer or banks in its residential country, while seller's credit and forfaiting are loans given to the exporter.

5. Now Chen has totally given up on the idea of purchasing a house and may consider buying again in three years.

6. The considerable appreciation of the Chinese currency in recent years has given domestic firms much more buying power on the international market.

7. By 2000, she had given birth to her daughter and earned a fair sum of money.

8. Judging by the definition given in the light pollution standard, the court decided in Lu's favour.

9. Attention will be given to the promotion of electricity generation by means of waste incineration and landfill gas in urban areas.

10. Positions swapped regularly as the fleet toughed out typical North Sea conditions, and it was by no means certain that Ericsson 4's lead was a given thing.

given 英英释义



1. an assumption that is taken for granted

    Synonym: presumptionprecondition



1. acknowledged as a supposition

    e.g. given the engine's condition, it is a wonder that it started

    Synonym: granted

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