
glaze是什么意思 glaze在线翻译 glaze什么意思 glaze的意思 glaze的翻译 glaze的解释 glaze的发音 glaze的同义词 glaze的反义词 glaze的例句

glaze [gleɪz]  [ɡlez] 


glaze 基本解释

及物动词装玻璃; 上釉于; 上光

不及物动词(目光)变得呆滞无神; 变得光滑

名词釉料; 上釉的表面; 光滑面; (浇在糕点上增加光泽的)蛋浆

glaze 同义词


glaze 反义词


glaze 相关例句


1. I know how to glaze a window.

2. They found several glazed clay pots in the ancient tomb.

3. glaze

3. His eyes glazed over and gradually he fell unconscious.


1. I didn't understand why his eyes started to glaze over at the mention of Chomsky.

2. glaze

2. Her eyes glazed.

glaze 网络解释

1. 釉:mboss)、上釉(glaze)及修边(UNZag) 多种彩绘笔刷造形 可自由设定缩放视窗(ZOOM) 可以RGB及HLS自由调节色彩调色盘 调出彩虹渐层 表现花边及雕刻效果 自由设定遮罩区域(MASK) 文字工具 支援 Postscript Type 1字型(.PF及 HP Laserjet bitMap 字形,

2. 釉面:唯一的两种解决办法是在颜料还是湿的时候就混色,这需要迅速而富有经验的手法,或者用一系列釉面(glaze)来做明暗(见下文). 丙烯釉面很难控制且需要老道的手法. 也许会取得很好的结果,不过除非你知道自己到底在干嘛,

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 上釉:Ani免费韩剧在线观看Polygon)及喷枪(Spray) 35种颜料效果 如涂抹(Smear) 透明(glass) 色彩循环(glow) 括取(scrape) 浮雕 (emboss) 上釉(glaze)及修边(UNZag全彩动画 您可以很容易的将视讯影像与24位元 的影像互相结合 并且

4. 雨淞:此温度未必与「融点」(Melting point) 相同,亦未必与「真凝固点」(True freezing point) 或 (对水) 「冰点」(Ice point) 相同以液体形式降落之雨,因接触地面或暴露物而冻结,并形成雨淞(Glaze) 之外壳.

glaze 词典解释

1. 釉;釉料
    A glaze is a thin layer of liquid which is put on a piece of pottery and becomes hard and shiny when the pottery is heated in a very hot oven.

    e.g. ...hand-painted French tiles with decorative glazes.

2. (浇在食物上使呈现光泽的)蛋浆,奶浆,浆汁
    A glaze is a thin layer of beaten egg, milk, or other liquid that you spread onto food in order to make the surface shine and look attractive.


    e.g. Brush the glaze over the top and sides of the hot cake.

3. 浇浆汁于(食物的表面)
    When you glaze food such as bread or pastry, you spread a layer of beaten egg, milk, or other liquid onto it before you cook it in order to make its surface shine and look attractive.

    e.g. Glaze the pie with beaten egg.

相关词组:glaze over

glaze 单语例句


1. While the cake is baking, prepare the candied peel and glaze.

2. Spread a spoonful of glaze on top of each cake and top with strips of candied peel.

3. Add a little dark soy sauce for color and glaze the meatballs with the sauce.

4. The color of the glaze and the body appear in extreme contrast, which is ideal for showing shadows even without the last step of coloring.

5. These handbags come in either real or faux impressed patterns with a high glaze.

6. The expensive materials needed and the complicated technique used to glaze the base are the two major obstacles to making red under glaze porcelain.

7. The trick is to use medium heat to cook the duck thoroughly, and increase the heat at the last to reduce the juices and glaze the duck.

8. Add all the marinade to the pan and as the duck cooks, the juices will reduce and form a syrupy glaze over the duck.

9. Balancing dangerously on the edge, the scientist's eyes glaze over to the remote emptiness.

10. Currently it was exhibited in Shanghai Colored Glaze Museum, attracting many visitors from home and abroad.

glaze 英英释义


1. a coating for ceramics, metal, etc.

2. a glossy finish on a fabric

3. any of various thin shiny (savory or sweet) coatings applied to foods


1. become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance

    e.g. Her eyes glaze over when she is bored

    Synonym: glassglass overglaze over

2. coat with a glaze

    e.g. the potter glazed the dishes
           glaze the bread with eggwhite

3. coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze

    Synonym: sugarcoatcandy

4. furnish with glass

    e.g. glass the windows

    Synonym: glass

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