
glimmers是什么意思 glimmers在线翻译 glimmers什么意思 glimmers的意思 glimmers的翻译 glimmers的解释 glimmers的发音 glimmers的同义词



glimmers 基本解释

微光,闪光( glimmer的名词复数 );发闪光,发微光( glimmer的第三人称单数 );

glimmers 双语例句

1. There is nothing better than a delicate necklace that glimmers with just the right amount of glint against the summer sun.

2. Guangzhou Tourism Bureau Director Tan love hotel management discussions between Britain shows glimmers of excitement and expectation.

3. But from where we stand, for the very first time, we are beginning to see glimmers of hope, he said.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. But, there are glimmers of hope.

5. We've seen little glimmers of this before, so we know it's possible.

6. But from where we stand, for the very first time, we are beginning to see glimmers of hope.

7. glimmers的解释

7. There are some glimmers of economic hope.

8. Psionatrix of Clairsentience: Blue light glimmers in this crystal`s heart.

9. These are the soul changes. I don`t believe in ageing. I believe in forever altering one`s aspect to the sun.5、In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.(is it true, anywhere, why? )6、It is better to wear out than to rust out.7、We are not yet out of the woods, but we can see the glimmers of lights.

10. glimmers什么意思

10. Egypt's Lake Nasser glimmers in the sun in a photograph taken by NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao from the International Space Station.

11. Some recent statistics, it is true, offer glimmers of hope.

12. glimmers的近义词

12. And like a ghost she glimmers on to me.

13. But there's a real risk that all the talk of green shoots and glimmers will breed a dangerous complacency.

14. glimmers在线翻译

14. We need to build on these glimmers of hope and help those committed leaders and citizens throughout Africa build the better future they, like we, so desperately desire.

15. No wind stirs and no light glimmers.
      没有 微风吹过也没有光芒照耀。

16. glimmers什么意思

16. It is possible to find a few glimmers in the murk.

17. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

17. A Wife In London I She sits in the tawny vapour That the Thames-side lanes have uprolled, Behind whose webby fold-on-fold Like a waning taper The street-lamp glimmers cold.

18. I. e. cloudy in wink, the thunder roars, the electric whip glimmers, wave and rush to have a burst of torrential rain, nowadays!

19. Behind the hills encircling the town there were still glimmers of daylight.

20. glimmers

20. There are glimmers of hope on the horizon.

glimmers 单语例句

1. Consumers continued to shop cautiously in March amid high unemployment and continued home foreclosures, but there were some glimmers of stabilization in retailer's sales reports yesterday.

2. The bright neon lights of Tokyo may dim this year, but the flicker of hope that Japan will remain a top tourist destination still glimmers.

3. Although the possibility of finding survivors seemed to diminish as the day wore on, there were glimmers of hope.

4. But in a world that's been rattled by the specter of a global pandemic, glimmers of hope were more than welcome Friday.

5. His works gave off the glimmers of humanity, another art critic Liu Xiaodong said.

6. There were glimmers of hope on Wednesday that Americans'appetites to spend might be stirring again.

7. Oil crept above $ 49 a barrel in Asia as investors weighed glimmers of hope in the US economy against concerns that global demand remains weak.

8. Only then do they begin to show a curiosity about the outside world, and their hesitant interactions with others provide the film's few glimmers of humor.

9. Then these glimmers of mortality are swept under the carpet in favor of a boisterous globe - hopping jaunt in the manner of Wild Hogs.

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