
glinting是什么意思 glinting在线翻译 glinting什么意思 glinting的意思 glinting的翻译 glinting的解释 glinting的发音 glinting的同义词



glinting 基本解释

闪烁,闪光( glint的现在分词 );

glinting 双语例句

1. Chengdu folks lead such a carefree life and feel always contented, among the quietly elegant cottonroses, in the rich fragrance from tealeaves; the years in their life are just like glinting ripples on the Funan

2. And when I look at these beautiful styli with the sun glinting off them and casting shadows, and they stand so tall and so proud. And I think that's such a fitting memorial.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. Regarding gems, I have chosen to go for a lot of +10 Agility gems for more Agility/Attack Power; however, you can always ditch them and go for some Glinting Pyrestone.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. The behemoth shivered, red optics tinted with a touch of amber trailing down his lovers arms, settling on the glinting silver talons that were Barricade's fingers.

5. Her coat and dress were a glinting, greenish-gold. We're calling it lemongrass, or maybe citrine.

6. She could hear the gay jingle of bridle bits as they rode under the dogwood trees to the Tarletons'picnic, hear her own careless laughter, see the sun glinting on his silver-gilt hair and note the proud easy grace with which he sat his horse.

7. glinting在线翻译

7. What had Morgenes said as he tied the glinting bauble to the sparrow`s slender leg?

8. Voldemort called down the table, the firelight glinting strangelyin his red eyes.

9. I stand by the window, and look at the green leaves flickering on the top of trees. The light leaves are just like crystal mirrores and glinting with the sun shine.

10. Then I sat down on a log among the leaves and began to eat it while watching the ferryboat. Huck was already upon his watch when the ferry-boat's lights went glinting past the wharf.

11. As he looked up, the wilderness coalesced, solidified & the glade, the tree he sought, the bush, the watch and the compass glinting where a ray of sunshine touched them.

12. glinting

12. His face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild, tangled beard, but you could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair.

13. The cat had two sharp ears and two large eyes glinting with green light. It's face was small. So, I thought it was a mother cat.

14. Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures.

15. glinting的解释

15. Sheaves of leaflets were hurled at any vehicle, blowing hitherand thither to submerge the glinting tramlines and the unique wood-block road, their black and white trodden underfoot by the advanc-ing, chanting crowd.

16. The sun, glinting from the pool, dazzled me

17. glinting的反义词

17. Jock paused for effect, his eyes glinting over his glass as he took another drink

18. Margaret Herring, 35, savored the beauty of the Texas countryside & the afternoon sunlight glinting off amber fields of waist-high grass lining the road.

19. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

19. A handsome manor house grew out of the darkness at the end of the straight drive, lights glinting in the diamond paned downstairs windows.

20. glinting在线翻译

20. And for the moment the apparition of the gale rose before his eyes-a gale at night, with a clear sky and under a full moon, the huge seas glinting coldly in the moonlight.

glinting 单语例句

1. With bright sunlight glinting off it, the shuttle swooped through a clear sky and landed on the runway right on time.

2. There is a lot of contrast for the sake of contrast, with the humanity of the courtesans glinting from only a few scenes.

3. Pirates are on the horizon, cutlasses glinting under the Caribbean sun.

4. As he flew over the region in a helicopter recently, numerous large fish ponds could be seen glinting in the sunlight.

glinting 英英释义


1. having brief brilliant points or flashes of light

    e.g. bugle beads all aglitter
           glinting eyes
           glinting water
           his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent
           shop window full of glittering Christmas trees
           glittery costume jewelry
           scintillant mica
           the scintillating stars
           a dress with sparkly sequins
           `glistering' is an archaic term

    Synonym: aglitter(p)coruscantfulgidglisteringglitteringglitteryscintillantscintillatingsparkly

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