
glitter是什么意思 glitter在线翻译 glitter什么意思 glitter的意思 glitter的翻译 glitter的解释 glitter的发音 glitter的同义词 glitter的反义词

glitter [ˈglɪtə(r)]  [ˈɡlɪtɚ] 


glitter 基本解释

不及物动词闪烁,闪耀; 华丽夺目,炫耀

名词闪烁; 灿烂的光辉; (表面的)诱惑力; 吸引力


glitter 相关例句


1. All that glitters is not gold.

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2. The sky glittered with a myriad stars.

3. glitter什么意思

3. The sea glittered in the sun.

glitter 网络解释

1. 闪光:<<闪光>>(Glitter)是一部自传性音乐剧,以玛利亚.凯莉的经历作为故事原型. 故事发生在八十年代初期,玛利亚. 凯莉扮演一名出身贫穷,但十分热爱唱歌的女孩. 她先是在酒吧卖唱,后来加入一女子组合崭露头角,最后被一位著名DJ发掘而从此踏上成功之路.

2. glitter的反义词

2. 闪烁:虽然其首部影片<<星光闪烁>>(Glitter)遭到了彻底的冷遇,但玛丽亚.凯莉不服输,于近日签下拳击题材的新片<<甜蜜的科学>>(Sweet Sciˉence),誓要向观众证明自己并非花瓶.

3. 闪耀:中男主角死了~滨崎步最后躺在小船上向月的方向划去~ 今生滨崎步貌似是因为老是梦到前世的记忆所以去看心理医生~后来遇见了男主角~最后记起了前世的所有记忆~~ 大概是这样的~~~ 很好听的一首歌哦~~ 闪耀(GLITTER)和宿命(FATED

4. 星梦泪痕:超级流行歌星玛丽亚.凯莉的银幕处女作<<星梦泪痕>>(Glitter)即将上演,笔者在有缘欣赏之前,在此斗胆预测,明年的奥斯卡光荣榜上绝对找不到凯莉小姐的芳踪.

glitter 词典解释

1. 闪烁;闪亮
    If something glitters, light comes from or is reflected off different parts of it.


    e.g. The bay glittered in the sunshine...
    e.g. The Palace glittered with lights.

2. (激动、感兴趣等情感)闪现,流露
    If someone's eyes glitter, they are bright and express a particular emotion such as excitement or interest.


    e.g. His eyes glittered with a tense amusement.

3. (粘在物体上作装饰用的)小发光物
    Glitter consists of tiny shining pieces of metal. It is glued to things for decoration.


    e.g. Decorate the tunic with sequins or glitter.

4. 外在的吸引力;魅力
    You can use glitter to refer to superficial attractiveness or to the excitement connected with something.


    e.g. She was blinded by the glitter and the glamour of her own life.

glitter 单语例句

1. Use coloured writing icing tubes - mine were done with Barbie glitter ones.

2. When winter comes, the weeping willows along the river bank cover with frost and glitter ice.

3. The pendant necklaces contain dried, sterilized reindeer droppings - sprayed with glitter - on a beaded chain.

4. Liaoning is shedding its dust and regaining its youthful glitter by ridding itself of the shackles of the old system and becoming nimble again.

5. But it is gradually losing its glitter as the Chinese manufacturing hub has slowed down as factories squeezed for space and budgets relocate elsewhere.

6. But it won't have glitter in it like the Disney stuff.

7. The special materials allow the leather silhouette figures and stage properties to glitter when projected by backlights onto the screen.

8. The result is mostly a strange mix in which the value of the real one is lost in the glitter of the fake.

9. A stamped cake is a characteristic food of Daye and the piles of them glitter in their translucence.

10. Polishing the wood brings out a glitter in the grain that resembles mountains and oceans.

glitter 英英释义


1. the quality of shining with a bright reflected light

    Synonym: glisterglistenscintillationsparkle

2. the occurrence of a small flash or spark

    Synonym: sparklecoruscation


1. be shiny, as if wet

    e.g. His eyes were glistening

    Synonym: glistenglintgleamshine

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