
gloss是什么意思 gloss在线翻译 gloss什么意思 gloss的意思 gloss的翻译 gloss的解释 gloss的发音 gloss的同义词 gloss的反义词 gloss的例句

gloss [glɒs]  [glɔ:s] 


gloss 基本解释

名词光彩,光泽,光滑; 注释,注解; 假象

及物动词发光,给…加光泽; 注释,注解; 掩饰(错误)

gloss 相关例句


1. gloss

1. The company's annual report tried to gloss over recent heavy losses.


1. gloss的意思

1. I couldn't understand the book without the gloss.

2. I polished my shoes to give them a gloss.

3. They hide their hatred of each other under a surface gloss of good manners.

gloss 网络解释

1. 光泽:BYK-Gardner 中文名称: 光澤度計 英文名称: micro-TRI-gloss 说明: 光泽(Gloss)是用以评估物体表面是否光滑的视觉现象,从物体表面反射的光越多,光泽的表现越明显.

2. 光泽度:实验结果发现表面光差现象是因为局部剪应力变化造成表面塑料分子排列方向规则一致,使表面局部光泽度(gloss)提高所造成. 实验结果也显示,降低模温、减小气体压力、加快冷却速度、采用不定型分子材料及产品厚度设计避免剧烈改变,

3. 光泽的:等级15以上体力增加10 仓鼠(Hamster) 最小伤害减少1-6,最大伤害减少1-10 辉煌的(Splendid) 装饰品 等级20以下最大负伤率增加5%,等级28以上最大体力减少8,冰箭等级A以上str减少10 有光泽的(Gloss) 装饰品 最大生命力+5,

4. 唇彩:压印具特色的花纹<<2006春妆>>red earth 2006春/夏彩妆新品恋恋民族采风系列双色采风唇彩(Glossed Over)唇妆是缔造全新完美妆容的最后一步. 于双唇涂上双色采风唇彩(Gloss

gloss 词典解释

1. 光泽;色泽;光亮
    A gloss is a bright shine on the surface of something.

    e.g. Rain produced a black gloss on the asphalt.

2. 虚假的外表;假象;虚饰
    Gloss is an appearance of attractiveness or good quality which sometimes hides less attractive features or poor quality.


    e.g. Television commercials might seem more professional but beware of mistaking the gloss for the content.

3. 粉饰;掩饰
    If you put a gloss on a bad situation, you try to make it seem more attractive or acceptable by giving people a false explanation or interpretation of it.

    e.g. He used his diary to put a fine gloss on the horrors the regime perpetrated...
    e.g. The whole idea was to give history a happy gloss.

4. 同gloss paint
    Gloss is the same as gloss paint .


5. 唇彩;亮彩化妆品
    Gloss is a type of shiny make-up.

    e.g. She brushed gloss on to her eyelids.
    e.g. ...lip glosses.

6. 解释;诠释;说明
    If you gloss a difficult word or idea, you provide an explanation of it.


    e.g. Older editors glossed 'drynke' as 'love-potion'.

相关词组:gloss over

gloss 单语例句

1. The movie is partly a Chinese production, and judging by word of mouth it should have grossed some decent box office gloss.

2. There is an illuminating gloss on the nuances English painters brought to the art of painting the Canton riverfront.

3. It has a classic mat varnish effect on the CD surface and spot gloss varnish on both sides.

4. But now the adage has been turned on its head, with the creation of a lip gloss that claims to help women lose weight.

5. But as their numbers swell, the gloss is gone and their keepers are becoming more choosy.

6. Lip gloss trios are sheathed in satin while the cases holding the brushes are as elegant as any evening clutch.

7. Their lips by comparison will be more discreet with a coat of lip gloss, providing a touch of elegance.

8. There's even a euphemism for this that attempts to give such projects a gloss of justification.

9. For the lips, all you need is a good bright gloss.

10. But a few incidents of companions running away with expensive loot have taken the gloss off the innovative service.

gloss 英英释义


1. an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading

    e.g. he hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity
           he tried to give his falsehood the gloss of moral sanction
           the situation soon took on a different color

    Synonym: semblancecolorcolour

2. the property of being smooth and shiny

    Synonym: polishglossinessburnish

3. an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge
    usually published as an appendix to a text on that field

    Synonym: glossary

4. an explanation or definition of an obscure word in a text

    Synonym: rubric


1. give a deceptive explanation or excuse for

    e.g. color a lie

    Synonym: colorcolour

2. provide an interlinear translation of a word or phrase

3. provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases

    e.g. He annotated on what his teacher had written

    Synonym: commentannotate

4. give a shine or gloss to, usually by rubbing

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