
golden是什么意思 golden在线翻译 golden什么意思 golden的意思 golden的翻译 golden的解释 golden的发音 golden的同义词 golden的反义词 golden的例句

golden [ˈgəʊldən]  [ˈgoʊldən] 

golden 基本解释

形容词金(黄)色的; 金质的; 美好的

golden 情景对话


B:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?

A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership./I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.


B:How do you normally handle criticism?

A:Silence is golden. Just don't say anything; otherwise the situation could become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism. /When we cool off, we will discuss it later.

golden 网络解释

1. 金黄色:在英语中,金黄色(golden)和黄色(yellow)指两种不同的颜色,有着不同的内涵和象征意义. 黄色(yellow)和金色相反,有许多不好的联想意义和象征意义,如有病态的、令人讨厌的、胆小的的涵义. 成吉思汗西征和义和团运动曾令白种人心惊 胆寒,

2. golden的解释

2. 金:计划中将诺曼第滩头画成五大部分,由西向东分别为犹它(UTAH),奥马哈(OMAHA),黄金(GOLDEN),天后(JUNO),宝剑,(SWORD)滩头. 其中的犹他滩头由美国第四师负责登陆,奥马哈滩头由美国第二十九师与第一师登陆,黄金滩头由英军第五十师负责,

golden 词典解释

1. 金色的;金黄色的
    Something that is golden is bright yellow in colour.

    e.g. She combed and arranged her golden hair.
    e.g. ...an endless golden beach.

2. 金的;金制的
    Golden things are made of gold.


    e.g. ...a golden chain with a golden locket.

3. 极好的;有发展前途的;有益的
    If you describe something as golden, you mean it is wonderful because it is likely to be successful and rewarding, or because it is the best of its kind.


    e.g. He says there's a golden opportunity for peace which must be seized.

4. 大受欢迎(或十分成功)的人
    If you refer to a man as a golden boy or a woman as a golden girl, you mean that they are especially popular and successful.

    e.g. When the movie came out the critics went wild, hailing Tarantino as the golden boy of the 1990s.

golden 单语例句

1. His concern triggered his helmet campaign, which he initially saw a golden business opportunity.

2. Before Thursday night's exhibition game against Golden State in Honolulu, some members of the Lakers said they weren't aware of Buss'comments.

3. Potential homebuyers are more likely to buy during these months, commonly known in China as " Golden September and Silver October ".

4. You will be attracted by the duck's golden yellow shininess, crisp skin and tender meat.

5. Away from the obvious problems caused across the country by the sheer numbers, the Golden Holiday concept is flawed on another front too.

6. The heaps of golden corn cover Cui Shulan's small yard under the early morning sun, waiting to be tossed into a wooden cage raised with four stilts.

7. Even victory in the 100m did little to paper over the cracks of a calamitous few days for the erstwhile golden boy of Japanese swimming.

8. Some were registered members of a matchmaking website called Golden Bachelor, which organized the party.

9. The Thai authorities believe that the group might be linked to a drug trafficking gang which is normally active in the Golden Triangle area.

10. Liu believed the government does not want to cancel golden weeks, and this year's reform was a necessary response to the lingering dispute over the matter.

golden 英英释义


1. presaging or likely to bring good luck

    e.g. a favorable time to ask for a raise
           lucky stars
           a prosperous moment to make a decision

    Synonym: favorablefavourableluckyprosperous

2. suggestive of gold

    e.g. a golden voice

3. having the deep slightly brownish color of gold

    e.g. long aureate (or golden) hair
           a gold carpet

    Synonym: aureategildedgiltgold

4. supremely favored

    e.g. golden lads and girls all must / like chimney sweepers come to dust

    Synonym: fortunate

5. marked by peace and prosperity

    e.g. a golden era
           the halcyon days of the clipper trade

    Synonym: halcyonprosperous

6. made from or covered with gold

    e.g. gold coins
           the gold dome of the Capitol
           the golden calf
           gilded icons

    Synonym: goldgilded

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