
gondola是什么意思 gondola在线翻译 gondola什么意思 gondola的意思 gondola的翻译 gondola的解释 gondola的发音 gondola的同义词 gondola的反义词

gondola [ˈgɒndələ]  [ˈgɑ:ndələ] 


gondola 基本解释


名词狭长小船; 货架(一般指商店,例如化妆品店); 吊船工作台

gondola 网络解释

1. 狭长小船:您可以在80余家大运河商店(Grand Canal Shoppes)漫步,在酒店的运河中划动真正的狭长小船(gondola),或者在剧院中欣赏荣获大奖的娱乐节目,如歌剧魅影(Phantom of the Opera)或Blue Man...

2. 货架:3.1.3 货架陈列空间的规划,应配何商品的分类(ASSORTMENT)并考虑商品包装,规格及颜色.3.3 重型货架(PALLET RACK)可分为三种:3.5 轻型货架(GONDOLA)可分下列5种:3.6 端架(END CAP)配合货架深度而异,

3. gondola在线翻译

3. 平底船:在此星球上有个以过去被称为水都的威尼斯为范本所建造的城市新威尼斯(Neo-Venezia),因其仿古的建筑与承袭传统的生活方式而广受观光客喜爱,而其中有一种驾驶平底船(Gondola)穿梭于运河之间,带领观光客游览整座城市的职业,

gondola 词典解释

1. (尤指威尼斯的)凤尾船,贡多拉
    A gondola is a long narrow boat that is used especially in Venice. It has a flat bottom and curves upwards at both ends. A person stands at one end of the boat and uses a long pole to move and steer it.

gondola 单语例句

1. Beyond the foam atop your cup, you catch sight of a gondola fading away into the distance.

2. The thing the gondola does is connect a great historic mining town with one of the great ski areas of the world.

3. A gondola can also lift tourists from Huashan's east gate to the North Peak, offering them the chance to forgo nearly 6 km of strenuous hiking.

4. Although La Gondola has a reputation for being pricey, the portions are hospitably generous.

5. The service was called off in June last year following the plunge of one gondola of the cable cages.

6. A package includes a wedding ceremony at the chapel, a romantic gondola ride and a photoshoot.

7. The city of Venice has said it will support attempts to appeal against Hai's right to navigate her gondola in the world's most famous waterways.

8. Hikers here can choose to ascend the mountainside on foot, or ride up in a gondola or cable car.

9. However, many climbers skip the gondola and ascend the mountain at midnight.


gondola 英英释义


1. the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant

    Synonym: car

2. long narrow flat-bottomed boat propelled by sculling
    traditionally used on canals of Venice

3. a low flat-bottomed freight car with fixed sides but no roof

    Synonym: gondola car

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