
governor是什么意思 governor在线翻译 governor什么意思 governor的意思 governor的翻译 governor的解释 governor的发音 governor的同义词

governor [ˈgʌvənə(r)]  [ˈgʌvərnə(r)] 


governor 基本解释

名词主管人员; 统治者,管理者; <美>州长; [机]节速器,调节器

governor 相关例句


1. He was elected governor of California.

2. British colonies were ruled by governors.

governor 网络解释

1. 调速器:内容包括以烟弹(smoke bomb)及热枪(heat gun)模拟实际火灾时产生之烟10 秒后的稳定电压和频为 4150V 及频 60.2Hz,运转中调速器(Governor)重要结构、系统、组件(SSCs) 可用,造成风险升高,尤其以RCS 半水位时电子卡片未执 /通过电磁相容(EMC)测试.

governor 词典解释

1. 州长;省长;总督
    In some systems of government, a governor is a person who is in charge of the political administration of a region or state.

    e.g. He was governor of the province in the late 1970s...
    e.g. Governor William Livingston addressed the New Jersey Assembly.

2. (学校、医院等的)董事,理事
    A governor is a member of a committee which controls an organization such as a school or a hospital.

    e.g. Governors are using the increased powers given to them to act against incompetent headteachers.
    e.g. ...the chairman of the BBC board of governors.

3. (英国一些机构的)主管,总裁
    In some British institutions, the governor is the most senior official, who is in charge of the institution.


    e.g. The incident was reported to the prison governor.

governor 单语例句

1. The provincial governor asked for people to dig by hand, saying the mud was too soft for heavy equipment.

2. But Japan's government also seems to have been taken by surprise by the governor's remarks.

3. Another car bomb exploded in Kirkuk as the governor's convoy was passing by, killing a bystander and wounding 14 people.

4. A car bomb exploded in Kirkuk as the governor's convoy was passing, killing a bystander and wounding 14 people.

5. Results of a poll by Tokyo officials showed 65 percent in favor, prompting city governor Shintaro Ishihara to cajole the public to get behind the 2020 bid.

6. But some fear that Bustamante's candidacy could lead more people to vote yes on the recall and hand the governor's office to the Republicans.

7. While Florida Governor Charlie Crist said the state had more than 220 active fires that have charred nearly 800 square km.

8. The province's deputy governor also opposed the legislation, saying it needed more careful consideration because it imposes a new form of capital punishment.

9. The cautionary tone followed remarks by central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan last week pledging to " actively and safely " push ahead with currency reform this year.

10. A car bomb was discovered Sunday behind the governor's office in the northern oil city of Kirkuk.

governor 英英释义


1. a control that maintains a steady speed in a machine (as by controlling the supply of fuel)

    Synonym: regulator

2. the head of a state government

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