
gowned是什么意思 gowned在线翻译 gowned什么意思 gowned的意思 gowned的翻译 gowned的解释 gowned的发音 gowned的同义词 gowned的反义词 gowned的例句

gowned [gaʊnd] 


gowned 基本解释


gowned 双语例句

1. gowned是什么意思

1. 32 Personnel should be appropriately gowned and take special precautions handling the cultures.

2. He makes this choice despite the fact that, with delivery room attendants masked and gowned, he has never seen a human face before.

3. She had always envisioned a huge society wedding with all the right people attending, and herself gowned by Worth with a spray of white rose in her hand.

4. Perhaps it was with the hope of narrowing it that she yielded to his persuasions to go to night school and business college and to have herself gowned by a wonderful dressmaker who charged outrageous prices.

5. Would it not be wiser, then, to remit this part of reading and to allow the critics, the gowned and furred authorities of the library, to decide the question of the book`s absolute value for us?

6. danci.911cha.com

6. The most handsomely dressed man and the most magnificently gowned woman aregarbed within certain limits of conventionality.
    文摘 无论是穿着最气派考究的男士,还是打扮得最雍容华贵的女士,他们的着装都必须符合一定习俗的限制。

7. Yellow glazed glass, black and white posters, long gowned ushers and richly ornamented corridors all take people back to the times of a century ago.

8. The agile Frenchman was soon upon his feet again, and lost no time in knocking down two of his long-gowned adversaries with his fists and a vigorous application of his toes; then, rushing out of the pagoda as fast as his legs could carry him, he soon escaped the third priest by mingling with the crowd in the streets.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. The contamination source strength of the gowned aseptic processing operator has been estimated in several research studies.

10. In a small alley, a dog, unaccustomed to a long-gowned puller, nipped at his heels.

11. As noted previously, " high-level disinfection " by gowned personnel may not be truly reproducible nor without risk.

12. gowned的近义词

12. Employees who care for carriers are gowned, masked, and gloved, and they sanitize their hands by a set protocol when they leave the carrier patient's room.

13. Gowned and crowned, she was a queen.

14. Gowned, gown. ing, gowns To dress oneself in or invest with a gown.

15. gowned在线翻译

15. Glorious gifts await on the lap of the emerald-gowned heiress who sits beneath the softly falling snow on a starry Christmas Eve.

16. At another place, where poor peasants had been excluded from temple banquets, a group of them flocked in and ate and drank their fill, while the local tyrants and evil gentry and other long-gowned gentlemen all took to their heels in fright.

17. It was now possible to position equipment inside a room and, using gowned personnel, produce larger numbers of units with less human manipulation.

18. Systems that tolerate any form of direct intervention by gowned personnel are nothing more than highly evolved conventional cleanrooms with gowned personnel.

19. We doubt that any aseptic processing system, including RABS, which is tolerant of open-gowned aseptic interventions, will have a long shelf life based upon current and developing technology.

gowned 英英释义



1. wearing a gown

    e.g. beautifully gowned women

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