
grading是什么意思 grading在线翻译 grading什么意思 grading的意思 grading的翻译 grading的解释 grading的发音 grading的同义词 grading的反义词

grading [ˈgreɪdɪŋ] [ˈɡreidiŋ] 


grading 基本解释


动词(官阶、质量)等级( grade的现在分词 ); <美> 年级; <尤美> (考试或作业的)分数; <尤美> (学生受测试的)技巧水平(尤指音乐方面)

grading 网络解释

1. 等级:G代表评等级(Grading) 评等级是对师生员工的一种评判,评判必须具备有意义的事实和评判标准. 根据什么样的事实以及制定何种评判标准是至关重要的. 请你想一想,评等级的合理性何在,如何避免因评等级而给师生员工造成的负面影响?

2. 分类:有时候,真正的极品樱桃也难逃我们的魔掌,在进行分类(Grading)工作当儿,若遇上超巨型、AAA等级货色的话,大多会「不小心」跌入自己的口袋里,成为当晚的饭后水果.

3. 分等级:概括地说,政府绩效评估就是根据效率、能力、服务质量、公共责任和公众满意程度等方面的分析与判断,对政府管理过程中投人、产出、中期成果和最终成果所反映的绩效进行评定(evalua-ting)和划分等级(grading)的活动.

grading 单语例句


1. Eleven central SOEs were demoted in grading scales due to major worksite accidents, and another nine central SOEs were degraded for grave financial management problems.

2. At present, new English textbooks and English grading standard are under deliberation.

3. Wu says the community office has launched a grading system to evaluate store performances, with awards that include daily necessities like rolls of tissues and detergent.

4. In an elementary school math class, stating that 1 + 1 = 1 would quickly incur markings from a teacher's red grading pen.

5. It is reported that China will spend three years to set up an English grading system in middle schools.

6. Moody's is the only major ratings company grading Greece above BBB + after cuts from Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings earlier this month.

7. " Movie grading is common and exists in the US as well, " He said.

8. Lam said the AAB will finish grading the remaining historical buildings and will also assist the government reviewing to conservation policy.

9. Despite a 20 percent drop in the number of students taking the exam in Beijing, the number of teachers grading the papers will not be reduced.

10. This year's decrease is probably because of grading tests for other kinds of musical instruments, a musician on the grading board said.


grading 英英释义


1. evaluation of performance by assigning a grade or score

    e.g. what he disliked about teaching was all the grading he had to do

    Synonym: markingscoring

2. changing the ground level to a smooth horizontal or gently sloping surface

    Synonym: leveling

3. the act of arranging in a graduated series

    Synonym: scaling

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