
grands是什么意思 grands在线翻译 grands什么意思 grands的意思 grands的翻译 grands的解释 grands的发音 grands的同义词 grands的反义词 grands的例句



grands 基本解释

一千美元,一千英镑( grand的名词复数 );

grands 双语例句

1. SYMEX represents: Grands Moulins de France, Grands Moulins de Paris, Grands Moulins de Strasbourg, Terrena, Toulousaine des Farines, SIEPA.

2. Hoping to make a dramatic statement, the center's steering committee, which includes winegrower Sylvie Cazes, president of the Union of Grands Crus and delegate to the city council for economic development in the wine trade and tourism, wants a dramatic architectural design that will draw visitors.
    为了能够聚焦大家的目光,中心筹划指导委员会成员之一的Sylvie Cazes(酒庄代表、波尔多特级葡萄园联合会主席暨市议会葡萄酒贸易和旅游经济发展局代表)希望这个建筑设计能够引人注目,让人眼前一亮,能够吸引游客。

3. For example, Jenson Button used the very same front wing and nose piece to win both the Australian and Malaysian grands prix.

4. And aside from the Louvre, Mitter-rand's grands travaux included the new Bastille Opera and the new Na-tional Library.

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5. At the meeting held on 26th June 2008 at Chateau Branaire-Ducru in Saint-Julien, the Board of Directors of the Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux elected Mrs Sylvie Cazes-Régimbeau as President for 3 years.
    2008年6月26日,在圣祖利安布拉内庄举行了波尔多列级名庄联盟董事会会议,靓茨伯女庄主Sylvie Cazes-Régimbeau当选为新一任主席,为期3年。

6. grands的解释

6. The next NAMM show, we saw Baldwin Grands made up to look like Hummers and painted in the most ridiculous colors you have ever seen.

7. This is the result of our positions in the last two or three grands prix.

8. grands

8. The restaurant is in one of the city's upscale neighborhoods, between place Gambetta and the Marche aux Grands Hommes.

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9. Moreover, he is not only a regular attender of Spanish Grands Prix, but he is also a genuine Formula 1 devotee.
    另外,他不仅是西班牙大奖赛的常客,他也是真正的 F1狂热者。

10. grands的意思

10. The date falls after the Australian and Malaysian grands prix double-header, and on the Tuesday before the following round in China.

11. Wins at the San Marino and European Grands Prix have put Michael Schumacher and Ferrari very much back in the2006 title race.

12. The F1 world championship season consists of a series of races, known as Grands Prix, held usually on purpose-built circuits, and in a few cases on closed city streets.

13. This paper gives an account of the full condition of f (X)→ 0 when X →∞ underthe condition of infinite integral convergence of a kind of positive-valued inte-grands.

14. grands是什么意思

14. The President and members of the Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux sincerely invite you to attend a tasting of the2008 vintage.

15. These grands crus are usually served at prestige dinners hosted by the city of Dijon, but they are also offered to welcome ambassadors, mayors of the great cities and other honoured visitors, said Mr Rebsamen.

16. grands

16. Corton is the largest area of Grands Crus in Burgundy.

17. It is something that I am pleased about, but it will be one day in10 years time when we are sat down with a glass of wine saying I competed in300 grands prix.

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18. Staying on the subject of tyres, starting with free practice this Thursday at Monaco, we begin a run of three Grands Prix using Pirelli's Soft and Super Soft and that should work better for us.

19. I drop a hundred grands on the movie and luckily it did well last summer.

20. I hope we are on the right road, because we now have Spain and Monaco just a few days apart and after that, we will have already completed six Grands Prix, or almost one third of the season.

grands 单语例句


1. The Italian's performances in 61 Grands Prix to date have generally lacked luster.

2. Rossi will also be looking to continue a remarkable winning sequence of five consecutive grands prix stretching back to Motegi last year.

3. The winner of 91 Grands Prix and seven world'titles must find this hard to swallow.

4. He has won 19 grands prix, with his first at the wheel of a Renault in 2003.

5. Motorsport's governing body FIA has warned that Spain may lose its Formula One Grands Prix this year over the incidents.

6. Grands Prix and six of the seven held at Indianapolis since 2000.

7. He won four Grands Prix, the most ever in a debut season.

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