
grapple是什么意思 grapple在线翻译 grapple什么意思 grapple的意思 grapple的翻译 grapple的解释 grapple的发音 grapple的同义词 grapple的反义词

grapple [ˈgræpl]  [ˈɡræpəl] 


grapple 基本解释


及物动词搏斗; 抓住,捉牢; 与…格斗; 用铁锚(铁钩)钩住

不及物动词格斗; 抓住

名词扭打,格斗; 紧握; 抓机,抓斗; 与…格斗

grapple 相关例句


1. The cashier grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. The thug grappled him around the neck.


1. She grappled with the bank robber single-handedly.

2. Don't interrupt John, he's grappling with the accounts.

grapple 网络解释

1. grapple的翻译

1. 格斗:在街头挑衅(provoke)格斗(grapple). 后来,里夫的好友托尼(Tony)同贝纳多的妹妹玛利娅(Maria)一见钟情. 为了所爱的玛利娅,托尼想让双方化干戈为玉帛,结果事与愿违,他也被卷入冲突的漩涡里. 最后,里夫 ......一部分学生在看似异常活跃的气氛掩盖下悄悄地掉队了.

2. 抓钩:2000 Golden升级:AU P2K Golden PP7:AU PP7抓钩(Grapple)升级:LIFTOFF雷射升级:PHOTON电击器升级:ZAP麻醉箭升级:SLEEPY跑车飞弹升级:LAUNCH所有多人模式选项:GAMEROOM所有多人模式角色:PARTY解开各别的多人模式选项:前为密码,

3. 擒抱:醉抱(Drunken Embrace)[特异能力] :你能擒抱(grapple)对手,而对方无法作出借机攻击. 你的擒抱判定将获得+4的技能奖励. 毒龙钻(Corkscrew Rush):你跳上半空,然后旋转着身体撞向你的敌人(Street Fighter 那位来自印度的家伙的招数 ?

4. 吊车:Sunstreaker 飞毛腿 | Grapple 吊车 | Hoist 滑车

grapple 词典解释

1. 努力解决(问题);设法克服(困难)
    If you grapple with a problem or difficulty, you try hard to solve it.

    e.g. The economy is just one of several critical problems the country is grappling with.

2. 扭打;搏斗
    If you grapple with someone, you take hold of them and struggle with them, as part of a fight. You can also say that two people grapple .


    e.g. He was grappling with an alligator in a lagoon...
    e.g. They grappled desperately for control of the weapon.

grapple 单语例句

1. While Clive and Elsa try to contain a situation spiraling out of control, they grapple with personal issues about the future of their relationship.

2. China isn't the first or the last country to grapple with these issues.

3. Director Hou Yong's " Jasmine Women " tells the story of three generations of Chinese women who grapple with adversity.

4. Urgent electronic transfers in trillions also take several days as electronic accounting systems grapple with transactions in 12 zeros.

5. And the state's efforts to grapple with air pollution are indicative of the big challenge Beijing faces in further improving its air quality.

6. Ample supplies of cash - and credit - will be needed as visitors grapple with London's high prices.

7. This is a conflict playing out across the Arab world, where conservative Islamic societies grapple with the effects of Western influence.

8. But Pakistan also has to grapple with a massive refugee crisis in the northwest sparked by its battle with militants.

9. The NMC has urged governments in those regions to take immediate measures to grapple with the drought which is likely to get worse.

10. The adoption of the new food safety law was widely hailed as a landmark move to grapple the problems.

grapple 英英释义


1. the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat

    e.g. they had a fierce wrestle
           we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully

    Synonym: wrestlewrestlinggrapplinghand-to-hand struggle

2. a dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam

    Synonym: clamshell

3. a tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and holding
    often thrown with a rope

    Synonym: grapnelgrapplergrappling hookgrappling iron


1. to grip or seize, as in a wrestling match

    e.g. the two men grappled with each other for several minutes

    Synonym: grip

2. come to terms with

    e.g. We got by on just a gallon of gas
           They made do on half a loaf of bread every day

    Synonym: copeget bymake outmake docontenddealmanage

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