
greed是什么意思 greed在线翻译 greed什么意思 greed的意思 greed的翻译 greed的解释 greed的发音 greed的同义词 greed的反义词 greed的例句

greed [gri:d]  [ɡrid] 

greed 基本解释

名词贪婪; 贪心

greed 相关例句


1. His greed for money was his ruin.

greed 网络解释

1. greed什么意思

1. 贪欲:那时的社会学家马尔瑟斯(Malthus)曾经提出过一种社会和工人的恶性循环马尔瑟斯的'工资铁规' (The Iron law of Wages) 证明了冒险理想乡说里面的自由市场部分的不可行欧洲著名哲学家 约翰.劳克 (John Locke) 是著名的人文悲观主义者(七桩罪: 贪欲(Greed)、色欲(Lust)

2. 贪:原因是决定市场的两大因素是人的贪(greed)和怕(fear). 市场是由群体的行为及心理(mass psychology)决定的. 而群体的行为具有很强的非理性特点. 群体的贪和怕经常是极其疯狂的(你想想最近的房地产市场).

3. 贪心:<<但丁的天堂>>替第三己称静息冒夷游戏,将如共神剧诗武描写般天率领玩野入进九层天堂开展惊同之旅:凌波炼狱(limbo)、*欲(lust)、贪吃(gluttony )、贪心(greed)、恼怒(anger)、同端(heresy)、暴力(violence)、诈骗(fraud)以及背离(t

greed 词典解释

1. 贪婪;贪心;贪欲
    Greed is the desire to have more of something, such as food or money, than is necessary or fair.

    e.g. ...an insatiable greed for personal power...
    e.g. I get fed up with other people's greed.

greed 单语例句


1. Capitalism and Christianity do not go together because capitalism is driven mad by greed and love of money.

2. They say the values and moral principles upheld by Buddhism teach people to turn away from greed and commercialism.

3. But Huang was never to know his work would incite warped passion, greed and desire - all quite contrary to his Taoist teachings.

4. Most American film viewers might feel angry that corporate greed and corruption have made them suffer dearly during the financial crisis.

5. In the article on Wu Ying's death sentence, any reader can feel the damage that money and greed cause to society's standard behavior.

6. The prominent role that Burger King has played in rescinding the pay raise offers a spectacle of yuletide greed worthy of Charles Dickens.

7. Land developers and construction contractors are frequently condemned for their greed and disregard for safety rules and environmental quality.

8. Many officials have taken the dive in the vortex of greed because they thought they could get away with a slice of the forbidden pie.

9. But then the dodo was hunted to extinction not out of greed.

10. I would not include greed as part of my character, but who would spurn money at the doorstep?

greed 英英释义


1. reprehensible acquisitiveness
    insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)

    Synonym: avaricecovetousnessrapacityavaritia

2. excessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs or deserves

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