
grotesque是什么意思 grotesque在线翻译 grotesque什么意思 grotesque的意思 grotesque的翻译 grotesque的解释 grotesque的发音 grotesque的同义词

grotesque [grəʊˈtesk]  [groʊˈtesk] 


grotesque 基本解释

形容词奇形怪状的; 怪诞的,荒诞不经的

名词奇形怪状的东西; 奇异风格

grotesque 相关例句


1. The fat old man looked grotesque in his tight pants.

2. Grotesque faces are carved over the doorway of the old building.


1. Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting.

grotesque 网络解释

1. grotesque

1. 怪物:一个酷似憎恶的怪物(Grotesque)在被消灭之后,它竟然爆炸开来,分裂成了无数鳗鱼(Lamprey). 在它们死后,一个掉落出来的红色圆球被受伤的野蛮人吸收了,恢复了他的生命值. 值得注意的是,满血状态时是不会浪费他们的.

2. 怪异:灰狗巴士案嫌疑人李伟光被判无罪缅省灰狗巴士案经过2天的审讯之后于今天作出裁决:涉嫌杀害22岁青年麦克林(Tim McLean)的华裔嫌疑人李伟光(Vince Li)无罪,法官斯克菲尔德( Justice John Scurfield)表示,尽管被告对受害人的袭击相当怪异(grotesque)和凶残(barbaric),

grotesque 词典解释

1. 古怪的;怪诞的;荒唐的
    You say that something is grotesque when it is so unnatural, unpleasant, and exaggerated that it upsets or shocks you.


    e.g. ...the grotesque disparities between the wealthy few and nearly everyone else.
    e.g. ...a country where grotesque abuses are taking place.

He called it the most grotesquely tragic experience that he's ever had.

2. 丑陋的;奇形怪状的;极其难看的
    If someone or something is grotesque, they are very ugly.

    e.g. They tried to avoid looking at his grotesque face and his crippled body.

...grotesquely deformed beggars.

3. (尤指小说或绘画中的)怪异的人,丑八怪
    A grotesque is a person who is very ugly in a strange or unnatural way, especially one in a novel or painting.

    e.g. Grass's novels are peopled with outlandish characters: grotesques, clowns, scarecrows, dwarfs.

grotesque 单语例句

1. The many grotesque rocks, towering peaks and cascading waterfalls constitute a spectacular mountain landscape.

2. CGI is so accepted now in video games and movies that these " Cats and Dogs " may look goofy rather than grotesque.

3. With over millions of years of crustal movement, numerous grotesque rocks have gradually formed in Chengde.

4. Bush said last week that the procedure is particularly grotesque because of the manner in which the fetus is killed.

5. The peaks and rocks of grotesque shapes are girded by clear streams and embraced by green trees and bamboo plants.

6. She was thrilled by the part, which gave her a grotesque role to mirror her glamorous role as Jessica Rabbit.

7. The exposed rocks have been carved by millions of years of natural history into numerous grotesque rock scenes.

8. It moves away from Feng's usual black humour, grotesque and sometimes bizarre depictions of social reality.

9. His works are characterized by an exaggerated style which makes his clay characters comic, almost grotesque.

10. At the foot of the peak are stranger pines, grotesque stones and flying clouds.


grotesque 英英释义



1. art characterized by an incongruous mixture of parts of humans and animals interwoven with plants



1. distorted and unnatural in shape or size
    abnormal and hideous

    e.g. tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas
           twisted into monstrous shapes

    Synonym: monstrous

2. ludicrously odd

    e.g. Hamlet's assumed antic disposition
           fantastic Halloween costumes
           a grotesque reflection in the mirror

    Synonym: anticfantasticfantastical

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