
guideline是什么意思 guideline在线翻译 guideline什么意思 guideline的意思 guideline的翻译 guideline的解释 guideline的发音 guideline的同义词

guideline [ˈgaɪdlaɪn]  [ˈɡaɪdˌlaɪn] 


guideline 基本解释

名词指导方针; 指导原则


guideline 网络解释

1. 知道方针:各种波浪的典型特征,而不是必然特征称为知道方针(Guideline). 从下面开始我们将讨论推动浪构造的指导方针、包括延长浪(Extension)、衰竭(Truncation)、交替(Alternation)、同等(Equality)、通道(Channeling)、个性(Personality)和各种比率关系(Ratio Relationship).

2. 指导方针:正如先前的三张图详细说明的那样,正确分析解释推动浪仅有几条简单的规则.称其为规则是由 于它支配所有它应用到的波浪.各种波浪的典型特征,而不是必然特征称为指导方针(Guideline).从 下面开始到第二章和第四章,我们将讨论推动浪的指导方针,

guideline 词典解释

1. 指导方针;指导原则;准则
    If an organization issues guidelines on something, it issues official advice about how to do it.


    e.g. The government should issue clear guidelines on the content of religious education...
    e.g. The accord also lays down guidelines for the conduct of American drug enforcement agents.

2. 参考
    A guideline is something that can be used to help you plan your actions or to form an opinion about something.

    e.g. The effects of the sun can be significantly reduced if we follow certain guidelines...
    e.g. A written IQ test is merely a guideline.

guideline 单语例句

1. We should grasp the strategic opportunity to formulate an action guideline of China's entrepreneurial economy, establish entrepreneurial economic system and expand investment in such field.

2. The guideline encourages local officers to carry out sincere mediation efforts with the involved parties, and with a willingness to address their difficulties and get things done.

3. The change came with the State Council's new guideline promoting the development of the service sector.

4. The ministry will issue another guideline on energy conservation and emissions reductions in key sectors, including the chemical and steel sectors in the second half of this year.

5. Edited for two years by some 100 experts from CACM's Tumor Branch, the guideline aims to standardize clinical diagnosis and treatment of tumor in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

6. This guideline aims at speeding up the building of a combat force structure suitable for winning local wars in conditions of informationization.

7. The guideline says the government aims to incorporate production capacity in the coming years and upgrade industrial structures in order to increase enterprises'international competitiveness.

8. Zhao disclosed that a team of professionals is compiling the fossil guideline, and will grade already unearthed fossils.

9. The ministry should immediately confirm that each board is evaluating teachers based on the ministry's guideline.

10. Respecting and safeguarding human rights is one of this country's constitutional principles and an important guideline of governance for the Chinese government.

guideline 英英释义


1. a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior

    Synonym: guidepostrule of thumb

2. a detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action

    e.g. the president said he had a road map for normalizing relations with Vietnam

    Synonym: road map

3. a light line that is used in lettering to help align the letters

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