
guild是什么意思 guild在线翻译 guild什么意思 guild的意思 guild的翻译 guild的解释 guild的发音 guild的同义词 guild的反义词 guild的例句

guild [gɪld]  [ɡɪld] 


guild 基本解释


名词同业公会; 行会,协会; [植]依赖植物集团


guild 网络解释

1. guild的翻译

1. 工会:而记者的职业工会(guild)在媒体改革与记者保护上的作用似也有限,与媒体改革团体几乎没有联系. 而美国的媒体改革运动则多在为弱势族群(minority)发声,诸如为各类族裔争取媒体近用权,以及以内容分析的手法检视主流媒体对弱势的刻板呈现并加以批判.

2. 同资源种团:生态学专业硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(三)一、名词解释(每题3分,共30分)生态型 协同进化 生态入侵 演替 群落排序 生态位 食物链 初级生产力 负载量(carrying capacity) 同资源种团(GUILD)二、问答题(70分) A 必答题(10分)绘图

guild 词典解释

1. 同业公会;行会;协会
    A guild is an organization of people who do the same job.

    e.g. ...the Writers' Guild of America.

guild 单语例句

1. Please note that if you're an active leader of a guild, this system should not affect you or your guild.

2. Now the guild is casting the strike shadow over the Oscars, the industry's key showcase for its finest films and hottest actors.

3. " Check out before 12 pm or additional charges will be added, " has long been a guild regulation in the hotel industry.

4. The Art Directors Guild has been annually giving credit in seven categories of film, television and commercials since 1996.

5. The Writers Guild of America urged Huckabee not to cross their picket line after he flew out to California.

6. Jiangsu Provincial Rare Earth Guild last Friday issued a document recommending major rare earth smelting and separation firms to halt their production from November.

7. Major edible oil manufacturers and guild leaders were also told to speed up production to check soaring market prices.

8. The subtle comedy took the guild's ensemble prize the group's equivalent of a best picture award.

9. He did just fine even as a guest presenter at the First Chinese Film Directors'Guild Awards on Tuesday night in Beijing.

10. " This may be the biggest book deal in publishing history, " guild executive director Paul Aiken said Tuesday.

guild 英英释义


1. a formal association of people with similar interests

    e.g. he joined a golf club
           they formed a small lunch society
           men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today

    Synonym: clubsocial clubsocietygildlodgeorder

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