
gutter是什么意思 gutter在线翻译 gutter什么意思 gutter的意思 gutter的翻译 gutter的解释 gutter的发音 gutter的同义词 gutter的反义词 gutter的例句

gutter [ˈgʌtə(r)]  [ˈɡʌtɚ] 


gutter 基本解释

名词贫民窟; (路边)排水沟; (屋顶的)天沟

及物动词形成沟或槽于…; 为…装檐槽

不及物动词在沟槽或小溪中流淌; 淌蜡; (烛火)风中摇晃

gutter 相关例句


1. gutter的反义词

1. You should gutter your dog.


1. The candle was guttering in the candlestick.


1. Tina was a pale little gutter girl.

2. The motorbike lay on its side in the gutter.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. The gutter took away the rain-water from the roof.

gutter 网络解释

1. 水槽:此外,在检查屋顶时,水槽(Gutter)也要特別留意,它们经常被屋顶四周的树叶或青苔倒塞,而水槽的接口也经常漏水,所以水槽清理是必须的,而且在接口的地方更要加上黏合剂(caulking).

2. 槽:依旧是采用浮动布局,槽(Gutter)宽通过margin-left来控制(Blueprint采用右边距,960.gs采用均分,这三个框架对槽的处理实在有意思)1692年,新登基的法国国王路易十四感到法国的印刷水平强差人意,因此命令成立一个管理印刷的皇家特别委员会.

3. gutter的意思

3. 锻模飞边槽:formboard 进模口板 | gutter 锻模飞边槽 | hammer man 锻工

gutter 词典解释

1. (人行道旁的)排水沟,阴沟
    The gutter is the edge of a road next to the pavement, where rain water collects and flows away.


    e.g. It is supposed to be washed down the gutter and into the city's vast sewerage system.

2. (屋檐的)雨水槽;檐沟
    A gutter is a plastic or metal channel fixed to the lower edge of the roof of a building, which rain water drains into.


    e.g. Did you fix the gutter?

3. 一文不名;穷困潦倒
    If someone is in the gutter, they are very poor and live in a very bad way.

    e.g. Instead of ending up in jail or in the gutter he was remarkably successful.

4. (火焰)忽明忽暗,摇曳不定
    If a flame gutters, it burns weakly and unsteadily.

    e.g. The flames guttered.
    e.g. ...a guttering candle.

5. see also: gutter press

gutter 单语例句

1. Food safety experts said gutter oil is unacceptable although no scientific experiment has been carried out to reveal how carcinogenic it is.

2. China launched a nationwide food safety campaign in August 2011 to clamp down on the illegal practice of making and selling gutter oil.

3. The constable said he fell into a nearby gutter injuring a finger on his left hand and one on his right wrist.

4. " Gutter oil " refers to substandard cooking oil recycled from waste illegally collected from restaurant gutters or sewage drains.

5. That is why so few recover - you cannot see the gutter to crawl out.

6. He agreed the facilities can help reduce pollution and cut off gutter oil at the source.

7. Another 12 people were detained for selling and distributing " gutter oil ".

8. Even so, an accurate scientific method to identify " gutter oil " has yet to be found.

9. An excavator removed concrete slabs and swept mud out of a particularly deep gutter.

10. The " gutter oil " scam was the latest to fall under Chinese authorities'serious efforts to ensure food safety in recent months.

gutter 英英释义


1. a channel along the eaves or on the roof
    collects and carries away rainwater

    Synonym: trough

2. a tool for gutting fish

3. a worker who guts things (fish or buildings or cars etc.)

4. misfortune resulting in lost effort or money

    e.g. his career was in the gutter
           all that work went down the sewer
           pensions are in the toilet

    Synonym: sewertoilet



1. provide with gutters

    e.g. gutter the buildings

2. wear or cut gutters into

    e.g. The heavy rain guttered the soil

3. flow in small streams

    e.g. Tears guttered down her face

4. burn unsteadily, feebly, or low

    e.g. The cooling lava continued to gutter toward lower ground

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