
guy是什么意思 guy在线翻译 guy什么意思 guy的意思 guy的翻译 guy的解释 guy的发音 guy的同义词 guy的反义词 guy的例句 guy的相关词组

guy [gaɪ]  [ɡaɪ] 


guy 基本解释


名词家伙,伙计; (架设天线、支撑帐篷等用的)牵索; [复数]各位; 一群男人(或女人)

及物动词(用牵索等)牵拉; (用拉索等)固定; 开…的玩笑; 取笑

不及物动词[俚语]逃亡,逃走; 乱演某角色

guy 相关例句


1. He's quite a nice guy when you get to know him.

guy 情景对话

Car Crash-(车祸)

A:That looks like a bad accident.


B:Yeah, should we get out and help?

A:No, there’s a police car behind us. He’ll stop.

B:Looks like the one guy lost control in all this rain, and the other one hit him.

A:Yeah. It’s pretty bad, that car looks like a coke can.

B:These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days.


A:Yeah, it looks like we’re in for a long drive.

B:Ah, well. Put on the news. I got up late and missed it.

A:All right.

Community Services-(社区服务)

A:Hi, John, this is Mary, your tenant up in Lincoln Park.


B:Oh, hi, Mary, what can I do for you?

A:I was wondering when trash collection day was.

B:It’s on Tuesdays and Fridays.



B:You could save a couple of dollars by taking it to the dump yourself, though.

A:Oh, o.k. Where’s that?

B:It’s at the corner of that street.

A:Thanks. Who do I call for trash collection?

B:Just leave the stuff by the curb. The company’ll send a guy out next month to give you the bill.

A:All right. Thanks a lot.

B:No problem.



A:Hey Billy. You look really frustrated this morning.


B:I think my computer must have a virus.

A:Why do you say that?

B:Well, I have just tried to install some new software, but now my computer won't work properly.

A:Why didn't you ask the propeller-heads to put the new program on the PC for you?

B:Because it's not really related to work. They will get mad at me.

A:So where did you get the software?

B:It was really cheap. I bought it from some guy on the street.

A:It is probably pirated software.


B:Can you teach me all about pirated software so that my computer will work correctly again?

A:Listen carefully.

guy 网络解释

1. 盖:在参加街头霸王世界大赛时他不幸输给了盖(GUY) 盖否定了他的理想 苏杜姆因不服输而奋起. MAD GEAR解体后 也因为GUY的指摘 重新审视自己的苏杜姆. 认识到了日本主义不仅是[武士之心] 而是更大的不可捉摸的精神世界.

2. 家伙:同~uy串记:买(buy)家伙(guy). 同we~串记:结婚(wed*)像一张潮湿的(wet)网(web). 同ac~e串记:每英亩(acre)田地都是受了疼痛(ache)得来的. 同~ace串记:脸面(face)肥死,鞋带(lace)勒死,步子(pace)配死,比赛种族(race)是瑞士--末尾两字为相应谐音.

3. 人:还有快打旋风(FINAL FIGHT)就是可以选三个人红人(GUY),白人(CODY),肥肥也就是市长(HAGGAY),剧情大概是,黑社会绑架了市长的女儿,上面三个人去救的故事.

4. guy:guyana; 圭亚那

guy 词典解释

1. 男人;小伙子;家伙
    A guy is a man.

    e.g. I was working with a guy from Manchester.

2. (美国英语)伙计们,兄弟们,姐妹们
    Americans sometimes address a group of people, whether they are male or female, as guys or you guys.

    e.g. Hi, guys. How are you doing?...
    e.g. Mom wants to know if you guys still have that two-person tent.

3. 同guy rope
    A guy is the same as a guy rope .

4. 盖伊模拟像(英国庆祝篝火之夜焚烧的身着古装的人像)
    In Britain, a guy is a model of a man that is made from old clothes filled with straw or paper. Guys are burned on bonfires as part of the celebrations for Guy Fawkes Night.

guy 单语例句

1. Pretty soon the guy was so flushed with money he opened a side business in a busy shopping district.

2. But what is a guy to do when he gets beaten by a woman?

3. My best guess about the guy is that he's embarrassed by staying in overpriced hotel rooms or paying too much for a meal.

4. She was really worried that Sam wasn't bothered by the fact that his wife was making out with another guy right in front of her.

5. I finally found a guy who called his friend, who then left me with a number of someone else.

6. Ma does all he can for her but Ming sacrifices everything for the other guy.

7. Shaq's a pretty strong guy, but Collins does a good job on him.

8. At least one guy has reported receiving a card from a girl wishing him, " no pleasure at all on this day ".

9. " Guy's career is not going well, " John Richie said.

10. The current benchmark for the guy is a house, an automobile and plenty of cash in the bank.

guy 英英释义


1. a cable, wire, or rope that is used to brace something (especially a tent)

    Synonym: guy cableguy wireguy rope

2. an informal term for a youth or man

    e.g. a nice guy
           the guy's only doing it for some doll

    Synonym: cathombrebozo



1. steady or support with a guy wire or cable

    e.g. The Italians guyed the Tower of Pisa to prevent it from collapsing

2. subject to laughter or ridicule

    e.g. The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house
           The students poked fun at the inexperienced teacher
           His former students roasted the professor at his 60th birthday

    Synonym: ridiculeroastblackguardlaugh atjest atribmake funpoke fun

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