
handler是什么意思 handler在线翻译 handler什么意思 handler的意思 handler的翻译 handler的解释 handler的发音 handler的同义词 handler的反义词

handler [ˈhændlə(r)]  [ˈhændlɚ] 


handler 基本解释

名词处理者,管理者; (动物)驯化者; [自](信息)处理机; 拳击教练

handler 网络解释

1. 处理程序:ASP.NET HTTP 处理程序(Handler)是响应对 ASP.NET Web 应用程序的请求而运行的程序HTTP 模块(Module)是一个在每次针对应用程序发出请求时调用的程序集.

2. 指导手:最后,有史以来,指导手(Handler)、繁殖者(Breeder)、犬主(Woner)是同一个人的参赛狗获得BIS的有5只,它们是:

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 处理机:同时创建的还有相应的过滤器(Filter)和处理机(Handler). 不同的 CIM 提供者会通过操作系统相应的驱动程序监控某类型的硬件. 当硬件变更发生时,CIM 提供者会从驱动程序中得到事件信息并生成 CIM 指示(CIM Indication),

4. handler:handlerlabel; 宏的名称

handler 词典解释

1. 驯兽员
    A handler is someone whose job is to be in charge of and control an animal.

    e.g. Fifty officers, including frogmen and dog handlers, are searching for her.

2. 搬运工;操作者;处理者
    A handler is someone whose job is to deal with a particular type of object.

    e.g. ...baggage handlers at Gatwick airport.

handler 单语例句

1. Virgin Blue commercial operations chief David Huttner said a baggage handler found the device in the cargo hold.

2. A military jury on Thursday convicted an Army dog handler of using his animal to torment a prisoner at Abu Ghraib.

3. The actors will join Jeffrey Dean Morgan for the action film, which follows a Special Forces team betrayed by its handler and left for dead.

4. Attached to the dolphins pectoral fin is a pinger device that allows the handler to keep track of the dolphin when out of sight.

5. A current US official and a former US official said the Americans included 22 SEALs, three Air Force air controllers and a dog handler and his dog.

6. " I cannot fathom how we gave away the initiative in the space of 10 minutes, " said Bremen handler Thomas Schaaf.

7. A baggage handler helps load a container into a Jetstar Airways airplane prior to takeoff at Melbourne Airport in Australia.

8. " He hasn't slowed down a bit, " expert handler Scott Sommer said.

9. Yet the very next time I went, my handler opined that a pot belly would in fact quite suit me.

10. Recently even celebrities like Katy Perry and Chelsea Handler posted tweets asking if the singer and fashion designer had given birth yet.


handler 英英释义


1. (sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team

    Synonym: coachmanager

2. an agent who handles something or someone

    e.g. the senator's campaign handlers

3. one who trains or exhibits animals

    Synonym: animal trainer

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