
hangover是什么意思 hangover在线翻译 hangover什么意思 hangover的意思 hangover的翻译 hangover的解释 hangover的发音 hangover的同义词

hangover [ˈhæŋəʊvə(r)]  [ˈhæŋoʊvər] 


hangover 基本解释

名词宿醉(酒后醒来的头痛和不舒服); 遗留的感觉(或风俗、习惯等); <医>后遗症; 残余物

hangover 相关例句


1. He had a terrible hangover after the New Year's Eve party.

2. His poor sight is a hangover from a bad illness he had.

hangover 网络解释

1. 宿醉:那么媒体怎么评论<<阿凡达>>(Avatar)的神勇,<<宿醉>>(Hangover)的爆冷,以及<<欢乐合唱团>>(Glee)的惊艳呢?美国众媒体这次并没有关注奖项本身的得失,而是把目光更多放在了颁奖典礼本身. 迈克尔-霍尔(Michael C.Hall)最终夺得了剧情类剧集最佳男主角的桂冠,

2. 遗留物;挂在...上面;突出;笼罩:hangoff receptacle 悬挂座 | hangover 遗留物;挂在...上面;突出;笼罩 | hank of cable 电缆盘;一盘电缆

3. 喝醉酒后隔天早上醒来头痛:New Year's Day 元旦日 | hangover 喝醉酒后隔天早上醒来头痛 | New Year's resolution 新年决心

hangover 词典解释

1. (醉酒后的)宿醉
    If someone wakes up with a hangover, they feel sick and have a headache because they have drunk a lot of alcohol the night before.

2. 遗留观念(或习俗)
    Something that is a hangover from the past is an idea or way of behaving which people used to have in the past but which people no longer generally have.

    e.g. As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine.

hangover 单语例句

1. The planned comedy cameo in " Hangover 2 " was widely seen as a way for Gibson to improve his battered public image.

2. The doctors concluded that " no compelling evidence " could be found to describe any of the products as effective in treating or preventing a hangover.

3. Just hours after waking up with a Michael Phelps hangover Monday, the country was dealt the Liu Xiang blow.

4. " I would say that is a hangover " from the Depression.

5. I started to learn new pop songs and enjoy the silly drinking games, which are designed to leave one with a huge hangover the next morning.

6. But those heady nights of European success often left a nasty hangover on the return to more mundane matters in the Premier League.

7. The accused gave drinks laced with sleeping pills to the girls but claimed it was intended to help mitigate hangover.

8. A popular belief that consumption of further alcohol will cure a hangover is scorned by medical experts.

9. I think America has had the punchbowl taken away and wants everyone else to share in their hangover.

10. None of the hangover drugs on the market have proven effective in clinical tests, said the Practising Pharmacists Association of Hong Kong on Friday.

hangover 英英释义



1. something that has survived from the past

    e.g. a holdover from the sixties
           hangovers from the 19th century

    Synonym: holdover

2. an official who remains in office after his term

    Synonym: holdover

3. disagreeable aftereffects from the use of drugs (especially alcohol)

    Synonym: katzenjammer

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