
hardness是什么意思 hardness在线翻译 hardness什么意思 hardness的意思 hardness的翻译 hardness的解释 hardness的发音 hardness的同义词

hardness [hɑ:dnəs]  [ˈhɑrdnɪs] 

hardness 基本解释


名词坚硬; <物>硬性; 困难; 冷酷


hardness 相关例句


1. The technician was sent to measure the hardiness of the material.

2. No hardness could stop him from pursuing his goals.

3. Despite the hardness of his bed, he was soon sleeping soundly.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Her hardness of heart disappointed him.

hardness 网络解释

1. hardness的翻译

1. 硬性:在德国神秘主义者、德国和西班牙骑士团、法国和英国加尔文派所实践的那种怜悯中,总有一种强硬性(hardness). 在俄罗斯,拉斯柯尔尼科夫是将一个心灵融入众多心灵的兄弟之爱的博爱类型;而在浮士德式的心灵中,博爱乃是一个心灵超出其他心灵之上.

2. 硬:再分别以X光绕射仪(XRD)、扫瞄式电子显微镜(SEM),观察镀膜微结构及组织型态;镀膜特性分析方面以水接触角(Contact angle of water)、附著性(Adhesion)、硬(Hardness)、及抗腐蚀(Corrosion)性,探讨镀膜性质的变化及影响.

3. 坚硬:此外,凝性观念和普通的坚硬(hardness)观念亦是不同的. 我们所以说,凝性与空间有别,乃是因为我们可以想象,距离远的两个物体,在互相走近时,在它们底外层接触以前,并不必接触了,或代替了任何凝固的实体;因此我们就有了无凝性的空间观念.

hardness 单语例句

1. Leshi Stone Inkstone mixes hardness and softness subtly and interacts well with Chinese ink.

2. The other three teams took notes on the fallen wood debris such as its diameter and hardness.

3. The quality, hardness and viscosity of the snow are ideal for skiing.

4. Cheng said the government will release more information about water to the public, including the hardness and saltiness of water so residents can truly understand the information.

5. Between the graceful buildings standing on the either side of street, there is sign of hardness of times.

6. It stresses hardness in its actions, but it also balances this hardness with a corresponding softness.

7. In the age of globalized capital flow, hardness and happiness can spread at a second.

8. In executing the movements, the softness is implied while the hardness is shown in form.

9. Practitioners could relax to form softness, which then transforms into hardness.

10. During the construction of the wall, its hardness was constantly tested.

hardness 英英释义



1. excessive sternness

    e.g. severity of character
           the harshness of his punishment was inhuman
           the rigors of boot camp

    Synonym: severityseverenessharshnessrigorrigourrigorousnessrigourousnessinclemencystiffness

2. the quality of being difficult to do

    e.g. he assigned a series of problems of increasing hardness
           the ruggedness of his exams caused half the class to fail

    Synonym: ruggedness

3. devoid of passion or feeling

    Synonym: unfeelingnesscallousnesscallosityinsensibility

4. a quality of water that contains dissolved mineral salts that prevent soap from lathering

    e.g. the costs of reducing hardness depend on the relative amounts of calcium and magnesium compounds that are present

5. the property of being rigid and resistant to pressure
    not easily scratched
    measured on Mohs scale

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