
harry是什么意思 harry在线翻译 harry什么意思 harry的意思 harry的翻译 harry的解释 harry的发音 harry的同义词 harry的反义词 harry的例句

harry [ˈhæri]  [ˈhæri] 


harry 基本解释

及物动词一再骚扰; 使烦恼; 在战争中攻击,掠夺抢劫

名词恶魔,恶鬼; 胡闹的青年人; 伦敦佬; (人名)哈里

harry 相关例句


1. The tax authorities have been harrying her for repayment.

2. We have to harry him for money.


1. These evening damps and chills play Old Harry with one's bronchial tubes.

harry 网络解释

1. 亨利:PARTNER DATA 名字:亨利(HARRY) 国藉:美国(U.S.A.) 使用装备:散弹枪(SHOT GUN) 善长:飞身闯入敌阵,使用格斗技攻击,在发动特殊能力中的防弹背心会增加防御力,一般枪械皆起不了作用.

2. 哈瑞:那是一个春天里的美丽星期天. 那天迪克(Dick)和他的好朋友哈瑞(Harry)没有像往常一样争吵而是达成一致意见要去打高尔夫.

harry 词典解释

1. 纠缠;(不断)烦扰
    If someone harries you, they keep bothering you or trying to get something from you.


    e.g. He is increasingly active in harrying the government in late-night debates.

...harried businessmen scurrying from one crowded office to another.

harry 单语例句

1. " There is no reason we can't do this by the end of the week, " said Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.

2. A libel action brought by Australian international Harry Kewell against former England striker Gary Lineker and the Sunday Telegraph has been settled out of court.

3. " The latter was also influenced by the absence of a Harry Potter paperback title, " said Altium Securities analyst Roddy Davidson.

4. " Harry Potter " star Daniel Radcliffe was named Entertainment Weekly's " Entertainer of the Year " on Wednesday, capping a successful 2011 for the young actor.

5. The'Harry Potter'actress loves applying cosmetics to her friends and family and is always happy to pass her beauty tips on to them.

6. Taylor Swift is " caught up " in love with Harry Styles.

7. But it's only now that she realizes just how intense the pressure has been at the center of the Harry Potter whirlwind.

8. The heritage of Harry Winston is based on three elements - the highest quality diamonds, design and adaptation of beautiful gems into beautiful jewelry and innovation.

9. Diana's sons Princes William and Harry will give readings at their regimental chapel in central London.

10. Rumours have been circulating over the fate of the main character Harry played in the box office hit movie by teen actor Daniel Radcliffe.

harry 英英释义



1. make a pillaging or destructive raid on (a place), as in wartimes

    Synonym: ravage

2. annoy continually or chronically

    e.g. He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked
           This man harasses his female co-workers

    Synonym: harasshasslechivychivvychevychevvybesetplaguemolestprovoke

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