
havoc是什么意思 havoc在线翻译 havoc什么意思 havoc的意思 havoc的翻译 havoc的解释 havoc的发音 havoc的同义词 havoc的反义词 havoc的例句

havoc [ˈhævək]  ['hævək] 


havoc 基本解释

名词大破坏,浩劫; 蹂躏,摧残; 大混乱,大骚动

及物动词严重破坏; 毁灭


havoc 相关例句


1. The earthquake caused terrible havoc.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. They had to rebuild their homes after the havoc of the hurricane.

3. A cow got into the garden and made sad havoc among the cabbages.

havoc 网络解释

1. havoc的意思

1. 破坏:Mi-28是米尔设计局(Mil OKB)研制的攻击直升机,北约代名破坏(Havoc). 与Mi-24相比,Mi-28具有突出的优越性. 於1976年开始发展,1982年11月原型机首飞,1987年开始量产服役. 1994年最新型Mi-28N型机增加了能在夜间和恶劣气象条件下作战的设备,

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 玩命派對:于<<玩命派对>>(Havoc)中大胆裸露胸部,一度让喜欢她清纯形象的影迷无法接受. 后来在<<断背山>>中的演出,肃清了<<公主日記>>偶像剧女演员的形象,并使其重新成为好莱坞的宠儿. 2006年,她与迪士尼的合约到期,

3. 历劫俏佳人:求助<<回文>>(Palindromes)的原声帮忙上传下<梦之安魂曲>(require fou a dream)的OST,不甚感激!帮忙上传下<梦之安魂曲>(require fou a dream)的OST,不甚感激!<<历劫俏佳人>>(Havoc)电影原声.

4. havoc:histogram average ogive calculator; 直方图平均分布曲线计算器

havoc 词典解释

1. 大破坏;大毁坏;大混乱
    Havoc is great disorder, and confusion.

    e.g. Rioters caused havoc in the centre of the town.

2. 给…造成混乱(或破坏)
    If one thing plays havoc with another or wreaks havoc on it, it prevents it from continuing or functioning as normal, or damages it.


    e.g. Drug addiction soon played havoc with his career...
    e.g. The weather played havoc with airline schedules...

havoc 单语例句


1. They were eventually informed that a German shepherd had broken out of its cage in the luggage compartment and was wreaking havoc there.

2. It called the snow havoc an event that would test the will, resolution and capability of leaders of various levels to deal with crisis and overcome difficulties.

3. Capricious and extreme weather conditions have wreaked havoc throughout the country so far this summer.

4. Rising waters in Sindh province threatened to wreak havoc in Pakistan in a catastrophe that may help Islamist militants gain supporters.

5. Chin sent messages of deep sympathy and concern from Singaporeans to the Chinese people over the recent snow havoc in southern parts of the country.

6. Northern Italy has been hit by snowstorms and cold temperatures that have shut down airports, idled trains and wreaked havoc on traffic in Milan and other cities.

7. Sometimes communities think placing a collar on an elephant implies ownership and responsibility for the havoc it causes.

8. It causes the animals and insects on display to come to life and wreak havoc.

9. The security fix came after a series of crippling attacks on Microsoft's technology, which have wreaked havoc on both businesses and computer users.

10. Even if he wins the confidence vote, the eurozone faces weeks of uncertainty in which markets can create havoc.

havoc 英英释义



1. violent and needless disturbance

    Synonym: mayhem

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