
hazard是什么意思 hazard在线翻译 hazard什么意思 hazard的意思 hazard的翻译 hazard的解释 hazard的发音 hazard的同义词 hazard的反义词 hazard的例句

hazard [ˈhæzəd]  [ˈhæzərd] 


hazard 基本解释


及物动词冒险; 使遭受危险

名词危险; 冒险的事; 机会; 双骰子游戏

hazard 同义词

hazard 反义词

hazard 相关词组

1. at hazard : 随便地;

hazard 网络解释

1. 冒险:本书对32位的MIPS CPU由简化架构的规划设计及模拟测试,到5层管线节架构下其对应所产生的数据冒险(Hazard)、程序转移的指令停止(Stall)等技术性处理及模拟测试都进行了深入的分析说明,并配合作者所设计的SNCPLDE3实验测试平台和EP1K100QC2083的FPGA主机板,

2. 危险因素:危险因素 - 危险因素 (HAZARD)上映:2006年别名:危机地区:日本语言:日语类型:动作片,剧情片画面:彩色导演:园子温 Sion Sono主演:小田切让 Jô Odagiri,深水元基 Mo...

hazard 词典解释

1. 危险;危害
    A hazard is something which could be dangerous to you, your health or safety, or your plans or reputation.

    e.g. A new report suggests that chewing-gum may be a health hazard...
    e.g. Oil leaking from a barge in the Mississippi River poses a hazard to the drinking water of New Orleans.

2. 使冒风险;使处于危险中
    If you hazard someone or something, you put them into a situation which might be dangerous for them.

    e.g. He could not believe that, had the Englishman known how much he was at risk, he would have hazarded his grandson.

3. 斗胆提出;作无把握猜测
    If you hazard or if you hazard a guess, you make a suggestion about something which is only a guess and which you know might be wrong.

    e.g. I would hazard a guess that they'll do fairly well in the next election...
    e.g. 'Fifteen or sixteen?' Mrs Dearden hazarded.

hazard 单语例句

1. Snow's comment caught White House colleagues by surprise, and they said they could not hazard a guess about when he might leave.

2. Cadmium poisoning is generally considered an occupational hazard, which can damage the kidneys.

3. The malpractice is a potential health hazard for customers because industrial lubricant contains carcinogen, a substance linked with causing cancer.

4. Censorship is another occupational hazard, potentially more lethal than the suspicious capital that chases girls rather than profits.

5. The flak directed at the Frenchman during the opening weeks has been silenced, but Wenger is adamant he accepts negative reaction as an occupational hazard.

6. Crewmen failed to catch the stowaway in Singapore and became concerned that it might chew through electrical wiring and pose a safety hazard.

7. This is therefore a serious safety hazard which invites preventive risk management strategies in line with other comparable aviation risks.

8. An excessive concentration of loans in infrastructure projects can pose a potential hazard for banks.

9. The hazard is repeated every year when farmers set fire to straw after harvesting wheat to clear the fields for the next crop.

10. Newspaper and magazine sales were banned on Beijing subway lines in January, as transport police said that selling newspapers in crowded subway stations was a potential hazard.

hazard 英英释义



1. an obstacle on a golf course

2. an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another

    e.g. bad luck caused his downfall
           we ran into each other by pure chance

    Synonym: luckfortunechance

3. a source of danger
    a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune

    e.g. drinking alcohol is a health hazard

    Synonym: jeopardyperilriskendangerment


1. put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation

    e.g. I am guessing that the price of real estate will rise again
           I cannot pretend to say that you are wrong

    Synonym: guessventurepretend

2. take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome

    e.g. When you buy these stocks you are gambling

    Synonym: gamblechancerisktake chancesadventurerun a risktake a chance

3. put at risk

    e.g. I will stake my good reputation for this

    Synonym: ventureadventurestakejeopardize

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