
haze是什么意思 haze在线翻译 haze什么意思 haze的意思 haze的翻译 haze的解释 haze的发音 haze的同义词 haze的反义词 haze的例句 haze的相关词组

haze [heɪz]  [hez] 


haze 基本解释

名词烟雾; 迷蒙; 迷糊; 疑惑

及物/不及物动词(使)笼罩在薄雾中; 使变朦胧; 使变糊涂

及物动词戏弄; 欺凌; 骑马放牧

haze 相关例句


1. Haze is often caused by heat.

2. haze

2. I could hardly see her through a blue haze of smoke.

haze 网络解释

1. 霾:命运与拯救 --现代舞蹈史诗<<霾>>(Haze)所透射出的哲学表情 (或<<霾>>(Haze):一部21世纪之<<格尔尼卡>>式的伟大作品) 20世纪三十年代,毕加索曾以一幅巨作<<格尔尼卡>>深深地震动了世界的神经,赋予了现代艺术以某种革命性的精神.

2. 雾度:APEL为无色且透明,其透光率达91%雾度(haze)为4%,而双折光率很低,其复折射率小于20nm,几乎与PMMA相同. 低吸水率 APEL的吸水率及因吸水造成的尺寸改变率极低,特别适合需高尺寸安定性的光学应用.

3. haze在线翻译

3. 薄雾:法国育碧(Ubisoft)公司在E3 2006大展上正式公布了全新第一人称视角射击游戏――<<薄雾>>(Haze),并宣布该游戏将在2007年早些时候登陆PS3、Xbox360以及PC平台.

4. 阴霾:2008年初,番茄接触到新加坡音乐教父黄宏墨,受到其点播影响,改变风格为POPRAP和R&B. 2009年,番茄为国内大型网游和众多视频节目献声受到好评,并在3月参与并为潘玮柏,田华等艺人创作编曲等等...#06,07中国说唱天团阴霾(HAZE)队员

haze 词典解释

1. (阴)霾;雾霭
    Haze is light mist, caused by particles of water or dust in the air, which prevents you from seeing distant objects clearly. Haze often forms in hot weather.

    e.g. They vanished into the haze near the horizon...
    e.g. The sun smouldered through a thin summer haze.

2. 雾状物
    If there is a haze of something such as smoke or steam, you cannot see clearly through it.


    e.g. Dan smiled at him through a haze of smoke and steaming coffee...
    e.g. A thick haze of acrid smoke hung in the air.

3. 迷糊;懵懂
    If someone is in a haze, they are not thinking clearly or not really noticing what is happening around them.


    e.g. His mind was a haze of fear and confusion.
    e.g. ...asking people to recollect a vanished past through a nostalgic haze.

haze 单语例句

1. There is little need to yell in order to be heard and there is no permanent haze of cigarette smoke making your eyes smart.

2. March saw my birthday come and go in a haze of candles and cake, as Ellen and I planned our upcoming wedding.

3. Chen Demin quit working as a plastic cutter to escape the toxic haze two years ago to wash the cut fragments.

4. The capital Beijing is one of the worst affected cities and is regularly engulfed in a thick gritty haze.

5. Unfavorable air quality is exacerbated by low air pressure, heavy fog and thick haze.

6. You also needed to stick to your match and not waver, which in itself could be challenging in an alcoholic haze.

7. Thick fog and haze have shrouded central and northern parts of the country since Friday, and meteorologists said the bad weather is expected to continue until midweek.

8. Heat up the olive oil in a frying pan until a haze rises and add the garlic and mushrooms.

9. BEIJING - Grey haze was reported over a vast portion of Central China on Tuesday, and is believed to have been caused by farmers burning straw.

10. Along with the haze and smoggy weather, groundwater pollution has made the environment a hot topic again.

haze 英英释义


1. confusion characterized by lack of clarity

    Synonym: dazefog

2. atmospheric moisture or dust or smoke that causes reduced visibility


1. harass by imposing humiliating or painful tasks, as in military institutions

2. become hazy, dull, or cloudy

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