
heap是什么意思 heap在线翻译 heap什么意思 heap的意思 heap的翻译 heap的解释 heap的发音 heap的同义词 heap的反义词 heap的例句 heap的相关词组

heap [hi:p]  [hip] 


heap 基本解释


名词堆,堆积; <口>许多,大量; <俚>破车

及物动词扔成一堆; 完全填满,灌满; 大量或奢侈的赠予

heap 相关例句


1. heap是什么意思

1. He heaped up great wealth.

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2. The table was heaped with food.

3. He heaped his plate with food.


1. Garbage heaped up behind the house.


1. This heap of dirty clothes is for the laundry.

2. I have heaps of work to do.

heap 网络解释

1. heap

1. 堆积:Visual C++ 5.0 堆积 (Heap) 已加入至支援相容性问题,因为以上面所列的问题会发生此版本中. 如果不想要包含在您重建静态程式库中的 Visual C++ 5.0 程式码,您应该重建使用 Visual C++ 6.0 中的原始发行的程式码程式库.

2. heap的翻译

2. 堆 堆:以及字符串池与堆 (heap)和栈(stack)的关系.我们首先回顾一下堆和栈的区别:栈(stack):主要保存基本类型(或者叫内置类型) (char,byte,short,int,long,float,double,boolean)和对象的引用,数据可以共享, 速度仅次于寄存器(register),快于堆.堆(heap):用于存储对象.

3. heap:hospital employee assistance program; 医院员工援助计划heap

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. heap:high explosive armour piercing; 高爆穿甲

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. heap:home energy assistance program; 家庭能源援助计划

heap 词典解释

1. (尤指杂乱的)一堆
    A heap of things is a pile of them, especially a pile arranged in a rather untidy way.

    e.g. ...a heap of bricks...
    e.g. ...a compost heap...

A heap of things is usually untidy, and often has the shape of a hill or mound. Now, the house is a heap of rubble. A stack is usually tidy, and often consists of flat objects placed directly on top of each other. ...a neat stack of dishes. A pile of things can be tidy or untidy. ...a neat pile of clothes.
heap 通常指杂乱的、呈小山状的一堆东西,如:Now, the house is a heap of rubble(现在,房子成了一堆瓦砾)。stack通常是整齐的一叠,指扁平物体叠放起来,如:a neat stack of dishes(整齐的一叠盘子)。pile 既可指整齐的一叠,也可指杂乱的一堆,如:a neat pile of clothes(整齐的一叠衣服)。

2. 堆放;堆积;堆起
    If you heap things somewhere, you arrange them in a large pile.


    e.g. Mrs. Madrigal heaped more carrots onto Michael's plate.

3. (对…)极力(赞扬或批评)
    If you heap praise or criticism on someone or something, you give them a lot of praise or criticism.


    e.g. The head of the navy heaped scorn on both the methods and motives of the conspirators.

4. 大量;许多
    Heaps of something or a heap of something is a large quantity of it.

    e.g. You have heaps of time...
    e.g. ...a job that might suit someone with heaps of experience...

5. 身处底层/身处高层
    Someone who is at the bottom of the heap or at the top of the heap is low down or high up in society or an organization.

    e.g. ...those at the top of the social heap...
    e.g. Ordinary workers in state industry, once favoured, suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the heap.

6. 颓然(倒下);重重地(倒下)
    If someone collapses in a heap, they fall heavily and untidily and do not move.

    e.g. The young footballer collapsed in a heap after a heavy tackle.

heap 单语例句

1. But it was enough to remain at the top of the heap, by comparison.

2. The segment opened with a shot of cardboard piled in a heap between rows of shabby houses.

3. If catnip works, you can use it in toys or just sprinkled around in a little heap.

4. Hearing that Wau's only girls'middle school stood in a heap of mud and bushes, Zhang and his soldiers spent an afternoon cleaning it up.

5. On top of the hill overlooking the gullies is a laze, a stone heap at the top of which colourful prayer flags are usually planted.

6. He's so formidable for such a little guy, how can you do anything but place him at the top of the heap?

7. A heap of paperwork is required at gun clubs and airports and a special licence is needed to bring a weapon to London.

8. They inserted a plastic tube 5 metres through a heap of collapsed rubble and pumped in food and water to the other side.

9. Where a mall once stood was a heap of concrete slabs layered like pancakes with iron rods jutting out.

10. The match started with a ringing volley of incident as Chinese midfielder Lou Xiaoxu rounded Van Boxmeer and went to ground in a heap.

heap 英英释义


1. a car that is old and unreliable

    e.g. the fenders had fallen off that old bus

    Synonym: busjalopy

2. a collection of objects laid on top of each other

    Synonym: pilemoundagglomeratecumulationcumulus

3. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent

    e.g. a batch of letters
           a deal of trouble
           a lot of money
           he made a mint on the stock market
           see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos
           it must have cost plenty
           a slew of journalists
           a wad of money

    Synonym: batchdealflockgood dealgreat dealhatfullotmassmessmicklemintmountainmucklepasselpeckpileplentypotquite a littleraftsightslewspatestacktidy sumwad



1. fill to overflow

    e.g. heap the platter with potatoes

2. arrange in stacks

    e.g. heap firewood around the fireplace
           stack your books up on the shelves

    Synonym: stackpile

3. bestow in large quantities

    e.g. He heaped him with work
           She heaped scorn upon him

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