
heckling是什么意思 heckling在线翻译 heckling什么意思 heckling的意思 heckling的翻译 heckling的解释 heckling的发音 heckling的同义词



heckling 基本解释

责问演说者,对…起哄( heckle的现在分词 );

heckling 网络解释

1. heckling什么意思

1. 搗蛋:40. go into high gear(進入高檔;喻作任何事增加速率或效率)---------... | 21.heckling :搗蛋-------------------------------------------- A 88/9/26 | 22.home-equity loan :住屋產權貸款-----------------------...

2. 刁难:heir-继承人 | heckling--刁难 | screen-拍摄

heckling 双语例句

1. heckling什么意思

1. But since the accounting frauds of Enron and WorldCom at the beginning of the 21st century, ESO has encountered unprecedented suspicion and heckling.

2. Mr. Green, you're sort of heckling me.

3. And if I go, I will be heckling Milhouse every time he`s on screen.

4. heckling的近义词

4. Fifteen minutes into the show, a bunch of rowdy football players started catcalling several actresses on stage. They rallied others to join in, and the heckling grew louder by the minute.

5. Right about after the fifth question I realized that my mother is heckling me.

6. The only time I really hear things is when I'm sitting on the bench and there is a guy heckling me.

7. If Ince heard the Blackburn supporters heckling him, he was not letting on.

8. heckling的近义词

8. Heckling is disrespectful to the person wo is trying to talk.

9. One thing Bryant doesn't expect is a lot of heckling from the young guns on the US team.

10. The disease drews near to die in existing, as a result narrative about disability and diseases is heckling to the death proposition.

11. Be polite and amiable to customers, even the customer is angry with vehemence and bad words, you should still response with courtesy and patience instead of censuring and heckling. To make customers vent their anger and speak out what they want to is a good way for solving the concrete problem in the next step.

12. He was confident enough to welcome a bit of heckling at his meeting, judging that it gave him a chance to show his mettle.

13. We were always heckling you.

14. It's good to be heckling again.

15. heckling的解释

15. He wasn't going to let a bit of heckling put him off his stride.

16. heckling的近义词

16. The heckling drowned his speech.

17. A few angry locals started heckling.

18. Good-natured heckling was allowed, but only because each of these men shared a kind of understanding.

19. But heckling isn't really a tradition at these gatherings.

20. He's busy heckling Cincinnati and drinking a beer.

heckling 单语例句

1. In front of the heckling onlookers, she waved her index finger madly yelling at the old man.

2. It is certainly an infinitely more alluring prospect than its garish neighbours that boast waiters dressed in Brazilian football strips heckling human traffic passing by.

3. The priest's announcement drew applause and cheers from the crowd, which spent most of the day heckling police and protesting loudly.

4. Khatami the optimist said he saw a relative victory in the heckling by the students.

5. The heckling did not rattle Bush, who is on his first trip to Australia.

6. The speech was only presented in written form because heckling opponents kept Singh from speaking.

7. Scuffles and heckling between Sharon foes and supporters marred other speeches to the convention.

8. Bush tried to play down the heckling, saying it could have happened anywhere.

9. Clinton cast the same vote in 2002, but met with only sporadic heckling during her speech.

10. It comes after the Asian Cup finals in China this year were marred by the constant heckling of Japan by Chinese fans.

heckling 英英释义


1. shouting to interrupt a speech with which you disagree

    Synonym: barracking

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