
hellish是什么意思 hellish在线翻译 hellish什么意思 hellish的意思 hellish的翻译 hellish的解释 hellish的发音 hellish的同义词 hellish的反义词

hellish [ˈhelɪʃ]  [ˈhɛlɪʃ] 

hellish 基本解释




hellish 相关例句


1. It was a hellish thing to do.

2. It's a hellish problem.

hellish 网络解释

1. hellish什么意思

1. 地狱般的:hellion 坏人 | hellish 地狱般的 | hellkite 残忍的人

2. hellish的反义词

2. 地狱:hellion /坏人/ | hellish /地狱/ | hello /喂!/哈锣!/喂喂/...的呼声/喂/哈罗/你好/

3. 地狱似的:moonish 似月亮的 | hellish 地狱似的 | bookish 书生气的

4. hellish

4. 可怕的:15.Hold your arm to your side 手侧向伸直 | 16.Hellish 可怕的 | 17.Handle with grace 坦然处之

hellish 词典解释

1. 地狱般的;讨厌的;可憎的
    You describe something as hellish to emphasize that it is extremely unpleasant.


    e.g. The atmosphere in Washington is hellish...
    e.g. I'm sure you will remember from the hellish years of your boyhood.

2. …得要命;…得够呛
    You use hellish to emphasize an unpleasant quality or its great extent.

    e.g. It's hellish cold up here in winter.

hellish 单语例句

1. She finally ran away from her hellish home and hid in a cave for years in a local mountain.

2. " There is no more hellish place on earth for American forces than Anbar province, " Goure said.

3. But the hellish emotions felt during high school often reappear as teenage girls mature into young women.

4. They created a hellish scare over routine storms in the Mexican Gulf, not at all a new weather phenomenon.

5. Thus, labels like a hellish decade or a troubled decade are rather one sided.

6. This unfolds against a backdrop of the hellish feuds within different kungfu schools.

7. The working conditions in the kiln were " hellish ", and they were forced to work up to 16 hours a day.

8. She previously revealed how " hellish " exercise helped getting her through her divorce.

9. I still have no idea what the devil possessed them to go through with their hellish abduction scheme.

10. He described a hellish scene of human flesh and pools of blood at the restaurant.

hellish 英英释义



1. extremely evil or cruel
    expressive of cruelty or befitting hell

    e.g. something demonic in him--something that could be cruel
           fires lit up a diabolic scene
           diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils
           a fiendish despot
           hellish torture
           infernal instruments of war
           satanic cruelty
           unholy grimaces

    Synonym: demonicdiabolicdiabolicalfiendishinfernalsatanicunholy

2. very unpleasant

    e.g. hellish weather
           stop that god-awful racket

    Synonym: beastlygod-awful

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