
herald是什么意思 herald在线翻译 herald什么意思 herald的意思 herald的翻译 herald的解释 herald的发音 herald的同义词 herald的反义词 herald的例句

herald [ˈherəld]  [ˈhɛrəld] 


herald 基本解释


名词使者,先驱,通报者; (旧时的)传令官

动词传达,通报; 预告,预示…的到来; 欢呼

herald 网络解释

1. 先驱:他表示,他也接到短讯通知,即天主教会的周报<<先驱>>(Herald) 面对更新准证问题,有关周报被告知别出版马来文部分作为更新准证的条件.

2. 使者:二十世纪五十年代的贡国,轿车品牌的风格大都很英国化,轿车取名都诸如威斯敏斯物(Westminster)、剑桥(Cambridge)、使者(Herald)、牛津(Oxford)之类. 就在此时福特Cortina进入英国. Cortina是一个充满拉丁韵味的名字,

herald 词典解释

1. 预告;预示…的来临
    Something that heralds a future event or situation is a sign that it is going to happen or appear.


    e.g. ...the sultry evening that heralded the end of the baking hot summer...
    e.g. Their discovery could herald a cure for some forms of impotence.

2. 预兆
    Something that is a herald of a future event or situation is a sign that it is going to happen or appear.


    e.g. I welcome the report as a herald of more freedom, not less...
    e.g. For her, it was the herald of summer.

3. 宣布;报告…的消息
    If an important event or action is heralded by people, announcements are made about it so that it is publicly known and expected.

    e.g. Janet Jackson's new album has been heralded by a massive media campaign...
    e.g. Tonight's clash between Real Madrid and Arsenal is being heralded as the match of the season.

4. (古时的)传令官,使节
    In former times, a herald was a person who delivered and announced important messages.

herald 单语例句

1. Most of the foreign commentators expressed the concern that installing surveillance cameras inside taxis would herald more government intrusion into people's private lives.

2. German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned her people that the start of the new decade will not herald immediate relief from the global economic ills.

3. German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned her people that the start of the new decade won't herald immediate relief from the global economic ills.

4. The Sydney Morning Herald spent two months charting a social phenomenon that is poisoning couples and destroying families.

5. The Herald has waded into unchartered waters to chronicle the impact of the compulsive use of internet pornography on relationships.

6. As the US newspaper International Herald Tribune observed from the premier's report, the price hike has become the top concern of Chinese government.

7. " I would love to create my own lines now, " Schiffer told a luxury conference in Berlin organized by the International Herald Tribune.

8. The Herald said many explicit pictures were taken by a private investigator hired by the man who filed the adultery case.

9. The death of the coral that is happening now is a herald of what will ultimately happen to us all.

10. That could herald " a new chapter in the piracy saga, " said Crispian Cuss of London's risk mitigation Olive Group.

herald 英英释义


1. something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone

    Synonym: harbingerforerunnerpredecessorprecursor

2. (formal) a person who announces important news

    e.g. the chieftain had a herald who announced his arrival with a trumpet

    Synonym: trumpeter



1. praise vociferously

    e.g. The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein

    Synonym: acclaimhail

2. greet enthusiastically or joyfully

    Synonym: hail

3. foreshadow or presage

    Synonym: announceannunciateharbingerforetell

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