
heroic是什么意思 heroic在线翻译 heroic什么意思 heroic的意思 heroic的翻译 heroic的解释 heroic的发音 heroic的同义词 heroic的反义词 heroic的例句

heroic [həˈrəʊɪk]  [həˈroʊɪk] 


heroic 基本解释

形容词有英雄气概的,英雄的,英勇的; 记叙英雄及其事迹的; 夸张的

名词英雄诗,史诗; 英勇行为; 夸张的言行; 咬文嚼字,文诌诌

heroic 网络解释

1. 英勇:于是慢慢地减少最终绿色光芒启动的可能性.发问者:在这个类别中你可否给予我们关于战争与战争流言(rumor)的信息?ㄧ个实体可以藉由在战争中的英勇(heroic)行为,即保存其它-自我心/身/灵复合体的行动,朝正面极化一些程度启动橙色,黄色然后绿色光芒.

2. heroic的意思

2. 勇猛:Heaven of Form Realm 色界天 * | heroic 勇猛 * | heterogeneous retribution 异熟报

3. 英雄的:Herodotus 希罗多德 | heroic 英雄的 | heroical 英雄故事诗

heroic 词典解释

1. 英雄的;英勇的
    If you describe a person or their actions as heroic, you admire them because they show extreme bravery.

    e.g. The heroic sergeant risked his life to rescue 29 fishermen from their blazing trawler...
    e.g. His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India.

He had acted heroically during the liner's evacuation.

2. 矢志不渝的;艰苦卓绝的
    If you describe an action or event as heroic, you admire it because it involves great effort or determination to succeed.

    e.g. The company has made heroic efforts at cost reduction...
    e.g. He finally faltered in the last game of a heroic match...

Single parents cope heroically in doing the job of two people.

3. 男主角的
    Heroic means being or relating to the hero of a story.

    e.g. ...the book's central, heroic figure.

4. 英雄壮举;英勇果断的行为
    Heroics are actions involving bravery, courage, or determination.

    e.g. ...the man whose aerial heroics helped save the helicopter pilot...
    e.g. England need heroics from the captain now.

5. (愚蠢或危险的)逞英雄行为
    If you describe someone's actions or plans as heroics, you think that they are foolish or dangerous because they are too difficult or brave for the situation in which they occur.

    e.g. He said his advice was: 'No heroics, stay within the law'...
    e.g. Cut it out, Perry. You've performed your heroics. It's all over now.

heroic 单语例句

1. There's nothing heroic about fighting rape allegations by day and playing basketball by night.

2. Based on true stories, the film portrays many heroic characters who sacrificed themselves in face of calamity.

3. Wu means martial arts, and xia means a heroic and chivalrous spirit.

4. Collateral is a reminder that Cruise has more depth and willingness to go to dark places than his heroic turns would imply.

5. It's pathetic that some have come to see him in a heroic light.

6. The actor has personally commissioned at least three " heroic " scale bronze statues which depict him in his body building prime.

7. We believe they would have had better consolation if they could see that their heroic stories are having a spontaneous resonance in the general public.

8. It details how the heroic Flying Tigers and other American volunteers helped the Chinese regain control of the transportation line linking China with Southeast Asia.

9. The host should simply have asked what a heroic couplet was and how such knowledge was relevant for the job she wanted.

10. Karim proved more heroic a minute later when he caught Zhou Ting's powerful long shot.

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