
hiccup是什么意思 hiccup在线翻译 hiccup什么意思 hiccup的意思 hiccup的翻译 hiccup的解释 hiccup的发音 hiccup的同义词 hiccup的反义词 hiccup的例句

hiccup ['hɪkʌp]  [ˈhɪkəp] 

第三人称单数:hiccups第三人称复数:hiccups现在分词:hiccuping; hiccupping过去分词:hiccuped; hiccupped过去式:hiccuped; hiccupped

hiccup 基本解释


名词嗝; 连续地打嗝; 暂时性的小问题; 短暂的停顿


hiccup 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. In the middle of the prayer there was a loud hiccup from the priest.

hiccup 网络解释

1. 打嗝:变换器功率容量随主线电压变化通过线路电压前馈补偿.在轻载时,L6565自动降低工作频率,但仍然尽可能保持接近ZVS运行.频率折弯(foldback)功能可获得最佳待机频率;逐周脉冲与打嗝(hiccup)模式过电流保护(OCP

2. 呃逆:第八节 呃逆 呃逆(hiccup)是不自主的膈肌痉挛,引起呼吸肌收缩,在收缩终末时,声带突然关闭而发出的声音. 呃逆的中枢在脊髓的颈段,刺激通过迷走、交感、脑神经传入,再经传出神经支配肌肉而发生呃逆动作. 在呃逆时,不仅可听到声音,

3. 嗝:小嗝嗝(Hiccup)是博克岛(Berk Island)上的维京首领史图伊克(Stoick)之子. 他住的岛上常常遭到龙群的侵袭,牠们会在抓走了居民们畜养的羊以后飞去,消失得无影无踪. 而小嗝嗝则是岛上一位铁匠戈伯(Gobber)的徒弟,常常在需要时帮他的忙.

4. hiccup的意思

4. 打呃:hiccough 打呃 | hiccup 打呃 | hidradenitis 汗腺炎

hiccup 词典解释


2. 小问题;(尤指)暂时的耽搁
    You can refer to a small problem or difficulty as a hiccup, especially if it does not last very long or is easily put right.

    e.g. A recent sales hiccup is nothing to panic about...
    e.g. Despite the occasional hiccup, the US and Laos have had quite cordial relations.

3. 呃逆;打嗝
    When you have hiccups, you make repeated sharp sounds in your throat, often because you have been eating or drinking too quickly.

    e.g. A young baby may frequently get a bout of hiccups during or soon after a feed.

4. 打嗝声
    A hiccup is a sound of the kind that you make when you have hiccups.

5. 呃逆;打嗝
    When you hiccup, you make repeated sharp sounds in your throat.

    e.g. She was still hiccuping from the egg she had swallowed whole.

hiccup 单语例句

1. But Murray appeared unfazed by the hiccup and immediately broke back before holding serve to clinch the first set.

2. Watt's only hiccup was the heel injury sustained in his first competition in Europe.

3. Despite the hiccup, managers of several funds that invest in China remain upbeat.

4. International financial markets are always relatively vulnerable at the start of a year, when even the slightest hiccup can trigger jitters through markets with stocks tumbling.

5. Refined oil product prices also soared as such a refinery hiccup could further tighten fuel supplies.

6. But we cannot afford to rule out any economic hiccup in the future, resulting in a slump in government revenue.

7. What actually causes the hiccup is difficult to say - in most instances, there is no obvious cause.

8. She could talk for five or six minutes without any oratory hiccup.

9. Despite the occasional hiccup, they provide services that are widely seen as satisfactory.

10. But what initially looked like a dramatic development turned out to be nothing more than a technological hiccup.

hiccup 英英释义


1. (usually plural) the state of having reflex spasms of the diaphragm accompanied by a rapid closure of the glottis producing an audible sound
    sometimes a symptom of indigestion

    e.g. how do you cure the hiccups?

    Synonym: hiccoughsingultus


1. breathe spasmodically, and make a sound

    e.g. When you have to hiccup, drink a glass of cold water

    Synonym: hiccough

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