
hinterland是什么意思 hinterland在线翻译 hinterland什么意思 hinterland的意思 hinterland的翻译 hinterland的解释 hinterland的发音 hinterland的同义词

hinterland [ˈhɪntəlænd]  [ˈhɪntərlænd] 


hinterland 基本解释

名词腹地; 内陆地区,内地; 穷乡僻壤; 内陆贸易区

hinterland 反义词


hinterland 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 辛特兰:215-300:但他们的亲戚可不一样了,这次你得去遥远的辛特兰(hinterland)的东岸,48-50级的它们是55级以下最有价值去farm的怪!Saltwater Snapjaw全身是宝,它们能高几率掉龟肉,大嘴蛤Big-mouth Clam以及黄尾斑点鱼

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 内地:向海的措施基于两个基本原则:整合的海岸政策(being Integrated Coastal Policy)和建设遵循自然(Building with Nature)整合的海岸和三角洲政策给出了解决现存的或者将来的,相互联系,与内地(hinterland)和所临海域,河,湖泊都有关系的问题的解答,

3. 内陆,腹地:鲁沙的迷人之处数之不尽,有延绵不断的洁白海滩,碧绿的海水,青翠的内陆腹地 (hinterland) 和写意悠闲的生活,超凡的餐厅、咖啡室、酒吧、会所和购物商场,令鲁沙成为无懈可击的度假胜地.

hinterland 词典解释

1. (海岸或大江、大河的)后方地区,腹地,内地
    The hinterland of a stretch of coast or a large river is the area of land behind it or around it.

    e.g. ...the French Mediterranean coast and its hinterland.

hinterland 单语例句

1. Cai suggested more hinterland reserve bases should be built in central and northeast China's oil fields so as to prevent earthquakes and fires.

2. Wen said the investment plans coincide with China's strategies of exploring its western hinterland and rejuvenating its northeastern areas.

3. China's vast hinterland and market capacity will keep their obvious comparative advantages in the long term as the destination for industrial relocation.

4. It would not be hard for Herbold to concede that China is indeed a developing country if he looked at the hinterland and western China.

5. Our retarded connectivity with the fast growing hinterland is going to carry a price.

6. And for the 6 million who visited China, few ventured into the hinterland to explore the diversity and challenges it faces.

7. The rabbit comes with strong earthy laurel flavors that remind us of the rough Portuguese Hinterland.

8. Anhui Province lies in the hinterland of Yangtze Delta where there is great economic development potential.

9. All four existing SPR bases are in coastal areas but Pan said some of the new ones will likely be built in the hinterland.

10. With its rapid development in recent years, the port is eager to expand into hinterland regions.

hinterland 英英释义


1. a remote and undeveloped area

    Synonym: backwoodsback countryboondocks

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