
hoist是什么意思 hoist在线翻译 hoist什么意思 hoist的意思 hoist的翻译 hoist的解释 hoist的发音 hoist的同义词 hoist的反义词 hoist的例句

hoist [hɔɪst]  [hɔɪst] 


hoist 基本解释



名词升起; 起重机,升降机; <俚>推,托,举

hoist 相关例句


1. hoist的解释

1. A flag was hoisted on top of the building.

2. You hoist a flag when you pull it to the top of its pole.


1. He gave me a hoist up the tree.

hoist 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 起重机:但由于潜水装太重了,琼斯已无法动弹,于是角色换至苏菲亚,使用起重机(hoist)将琼斯吊到水里面. 正当琼斯往下潜时,德军潜艇出现了,除了再度绑架苏菲亚外,还将琼斯潜水衣连接的气管剪断. 由于琼斯潜水衣内的空气只能支撑三分钟,

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 吊机:F.试通中拉引张力突然增加时,为便於控制,须改以拉吊机(Hoist)慢速拉引,并依下列规定办理:

hoist 词典解释

1. 举起;抬起;拉起
    If you hoist something heavy somewhere, you lift it or pull it up there.

    e.g. Hoisting my suitcase on to my shoulder, I turned and headed toward my hotel...
    e.g. Grabbing the side of the bunk, he hoisted himself to a sitting position.

2. (用起重机等)吊起
    If something heavy is hoisted somewhere, it is lifted there using a machine such as a crane.


    e.g. A twenty-foot steel pyramid is to be hoisted into position on top of the tower...
    e.g. Then a crane hoisted him on to the platform.

3. 吊升机械;起重机;绞车
    A hoist is a machine for lifting heavy things.

4. 升(旗);扯(帆)
    If you hoist a flag or a sail, you pull it up to its correct position by using ropes.

    e.g. A group of youths hoisted their flag on top of the disputed monument.

5. hoist with your own petard -> see petard

hoist 单语例句

1. The company now offers a range of construction equipment, including road building and hoist machinery.

2. She instructed me to hoist her toward the roof beams so she could kiss a pair of beetle nuts slung from the rafters.

3. His hilarious lyrics poke fun at ordinary life and social problems, and have helped hoist the band into rapidly growing fame.

4. The PLA flag is red with a golden star in the upper hoist.

5. The team and Tour organizers are eager to hoist up young riders like Gerdemann as potential harbingers of a new era.

6. One minute melded into the next as rescuers used special equipment to hoist the slabs off the man.

7. Local officials originally planned to hoist the boat on Saturday but changed their minds due to favourable weather conditions on Friday.

8. Local officials originally planned to hoist the boat on Saturday but changed their minds due to favorable weather conditions on Friday.

9. Local marine staffs are looking for the missing passengers and trying to hoist the sunken ferry.

10. Two cranes were installed to help hoist fallen motor vehicles from the river.

hoist 英英释义


1. lifting device for raising heavy or cumbersome objects


1. raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help

    e.g. hoist the bicycle onto the roof of the car

    Synonym: liftwind

2. raise

    e.g. hoist the flags
           hoist a sail

    Synonym: run up

3. move from one place to another by lifting

    e.g. They hoisted the patient onto the operating table

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