
hood是什么意思 hood在线翻译 hood什么意思 hood的意思 hood的翻译 hood的解释 hood的发音 hood的同义词 hood的反义词 hood的例句 hood的相关词组

hood [hʊd]  [hʊd] 


hood 基本解释

名词兜帽; 头巾; 车篷; 引擎罩

及物动词罩上; 覆盖

hood 相关例句


1. It's raining. Put the hood up.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. My raincoat has a hood.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. At the gas station they raised the hood of our car to put oil in the engine.

4. The mechanic found that the engine hood of the plane would not lift.

hood 网络解释

1. hood什么意思

1. 风帽:对流与传导是最常流失体热的管道,而适当的服装款型设计与穿著方式,可以有效的降低这4种热的流失:检查衣服的设计,尽可能使衣服上的风帽(Hood)、袖口(Cuffs)、前口袋(Placket Front)、腰部(Waist)、臀部(Hip)、脚踝(Ankle)等部分可以更合身,

2. 引擎盖:十年我公司是外资(韩国)企业,主营韩国产汽车配件的贸易公司.主要车型包括 HYUNDAI;KIA;GM DAEWOO;CHEVROLET 等.主要经营产品有 车灯(LAMP车门(DOOR引擎盖(HOOD)

3. 罩:以上的比较仅仅就解析度(MTF)上来做比较记得要再去定制一个又大又长的遮光罩 (Hood) 套在上面

hood 词典解释

1. (外衣的)风帽,兜帽
    A hood is a part of a coat which you can pull up to cover your head. It is in the shape of a triangular bag attached to the neck of the coat at the back.


2. 面罩;头罩
    A hood is a bag made of cloth, which is put over someone's head and face so that they cannot be recognized or so that they cannot see.

3. (汽车的)发动机罩,引擎罩
    The hood of a car is the metal cover over the engine at the front.


in BRIT, use 英国英语用 bonnet

4. 折叠式车篷;(设备上的)罩,防护罩
    A hood is a covering on a vehicle or a piece of equipment, which is usually curved and can be removed.

    e.g. Why aren't all lenses supplied with a lens hood?

5. 抽油烟机;(厨房)排气罩
    A cooker hood is an electrical device fitted over a cooker above head height, and containing an extractor fan and usually a light.

hood 单语例句

1. Part of the load of onions the tractor was carrying spilled onto the hood of the BMW.

2. DEA officials say the cartel professes a " Robin Hood mentality " of aiding the poor by stealing from the rich.

3. Each table has a ventilated hood over a cavity in the middle where briquettes are placed and covered by a grill.

4. Getting Hood's accomplishment into the Guinness Book may take several weeks as officials need to certify it.

5. When we came over to the UK last summer for the filming of'Robin Hood'we put Charlie in a lovely school in Surrey.

6. My hood is also less than an hour from Chinatown, which is located in Manhattan - the heart of New York City.

7. But a peek under the hood reveals an array of chrome canisters in place of the usual engine.

8. Phelps'SUV had a crumpled hood and was on a tow truck.

9. Nidal Hasan allegedly went on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood, terrorism investigators conducted an " assessment " of him before deciding he did not pose a threat.

10. The Iraqi government had released an official video showing a dignified Saddam refusing a hood as the noose was placed around his neck.

hood 英英释义


1. (zoology) an expandable part or marking that resembles a hood on the head or neck of an animal

2. protective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine

    e.g. there are powerful engines under the hoods of new cars
           the mechanic removed the cowling in order to repair the plane's engine

    Synonym: bonnetcowlcowling

3. a headdress that protects the head and face

4. the folding roof of a carriage

5. metal covering leading to a vent that exhausts smoke or fumes

    Synonym: exhaust hood

6. (falconry) a leather covering for a hawk's head

7. a tubular attachment used to keep stray light out of the lens of a camera

    Synonym: lens hood

8. (slang) a neighborhood

9. a protective covering that is part of a plant

    Synonym: cap

10. an aggressive and violent young criminal

    Synonym: hoodlumgoonpunkthugtoughtoughiestrong-armer



1. cover with a hood

    e.g. The bandits were hooded

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