
hoodoo是什么意思 hoodoo在线翻译 hoodoo什么意思 hoodoo的意思 hoodoo的翻译 hoodoo的解释 hoodoo的发音 hoodoo的同义词 hoodoo的反义词 hoodoo的例句

hoodoo [ˈhu:du:]  ['hu:du:] 


hoodoo 基本解释




hoodoo 网络解释

1. 峰林:honeycomb structure 蜂窝状构造 | hoodoo 峰林 | hoof 蹄

2. 不幸的人:hoodman-blind 捉迷藏游戏 | hoodoo 不幸的人 | hoodwink 遮眼

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 不祥/使倒霉:hoodman-blind /捉迷藏游戏/ | hoodoo /不祥/使倒霉/ | hoodwink /蒙/遮眼/蒙蔽/欺骗/

4. 使倒霉:hoodman-blind 捉迷藏游戏 | hoodoo 使倒霉 | hoodwink 遮眼

hoodoo 双语例句

1. We have talked with every hoodoo man and root woman in 12 States.
    hoodoo man 跟 root woman 都是指巫毒教里的灵医,会施法。

2. The friend, you sees has divided the skyscraping day all peak, justlike silver 妆 white clothing goddess; The friend, you sees hasseparated the lotus flower peak which the gully faces one another, ifidentical is in full bloom saussurea involucrata; The friend, you sawthe Kowloon peak to turn the jade dragon which wound to soar, dancedin the air above Huangshan Mountain's cloud sea; The friend, you hasseen the west sea group peak strange hoodoo, likes to wear the whiteclothing the deity, gathers above peak.

3. I know we beat them convincingly at the Emirates in the Champions League last season, but they seem to have a bit of a hoodoo over us in league games there.

4. I got voodoo, I got hoodoo, I got things I ain't even tried!

5. At the family hoodoo this weekend...

6. There are all together 3103 hoodoos, and this is quite unique in the world hoodoo family.
    有一起3103 hoodoos ,这是非常独特的世界觋家庭。

7. hoodoo

7. But the hoodoo pressure is also to him as does not have any effect.

8. hoodoo的反义词

8. I've gone and read some hoodoo books, and they say...

9. I'm trying to convince Nate here to make an appearance at the family hoodoo this weekend.
    我正在说服 Nate 参加周末的家庭聚会。

10. Monica: What a hoodoo he is!

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. My car seems to have a hoodoo on it it keeps breaking down.

12. hoodoo

12. You are such a hoodoo.

13. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

13. Has many beautiful sceneries scenic spots Enshi to advantage sichuan, for instance the hoodoo, for instance leaps the natural tunnel, iextremely deeply love own hometown.

14. Broadly speaking, conjuring refers to a black folk tradition (sometimes known as " hoodoo " or " voodoo ") in which a person possessing magical powers works spells, often using roots and herbs.

15. These, along with the bestseller The Bermuda Triangle, published in1974, permanently registered the legend of the " Hoodoo Sea " within popular culture.

16. Second, take the national culture traveling industry as the backing, realizes the hoodoo area development with the national culture traveling industrial production development organic synthesis.

17. Broadly speaking, conjuring refers to a black folk tradition (sometimes known as " hoodoo " or " voodoo ") in which a person possessing magical powers works spells, often using roots and herbs.

hoodoo 单语例句

1. The tectonic and erosive forces that lifted and pared the earth's crust to sculpt Zhangjiajie's sandstone hoodoo created landscapes that eerily resemble traditional Chinese paintings.

2. Liverpool has already accounted for Villa this season but its hoodoo over Chelsea showed no sign of abating at an exuberant Villa Park.

3. Bayern had not won in Bremen since December 1999 but broke that hoodoo with German internationals Michael Ballack and Bastian Schweinsteiger on target.

4. The film that he finally broke the hoodoo with is a remake of a terrific Hong Kong film called Infernal Affairs.


hoodoo 英英释义



1. something believed to bring bad luck

2. a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers

    Synonym: jujuvoodoofetishfetich

3. a practitioner of voodoo

4. (geology) a column of weathered and unusually shaped rock

    e.g. a tall sandstone hoodoo



1. bring bad luck
    be a source of misfortune

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