
hoot是什么意思 hoot在线翻译 hoot什么意思 hoot的意思 hoot的翻译 hoot的解释 hoot的发音 hoot的同义词 hoot的反义词 hoot的例句 hoot的相关词组

hoot [hu:t]  [hut] 


hoot 基本解释

名词猫头鹰叫声; 汽笛响声; 汽车喇叭声; 嘲骂声

及物/不及物动词呵斥; 轰赶; 作猫头鹰叫声; 汽笛等嘟嘟


hoot 相关词组

1. not care a hoot : 毫不在乎;

hoot 相关例句


1. hoot

1. The audience hooted the actor.


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The bus driver hooted at the man who stepped onto the road.

2. The crowd hooted and jeered at the speaker.

3. Owls hooted as we passed through the woods.


1. His proposal isn't worth a hoot.

hoot 网络解释

1. 拯救猫头鹰:在<<拯救猫头鹰>>(Hoot)中,来自蒙大纳州的男孩罗伊,刚刚随父母搬家到弗罗里达州. 按照学校的规矩,新人当然会受到排斥和欺负,但幸运的是,罗伊很快交了两个知心好友. 不料此时,三个小伙伴无意之中发现,地产开发商计划开发一个新的项目,

2. 我爱猫头鹰:预计周末能达到5-600万,虽然不及最近的几部恐怖片,但还算不错. 另一部家庭剧情片<<我爱猫头鹰>>(Hoot)虽然上映影院多达3000家,却只有100万票房,再过两天也不太可能突破400万,能跻身北美票房排行榜前五就很幸运了.

3. 猫头鹰:在<<拯救猫头鹰>>(Hoot)中,来自蒙大纳州的男孩罗伊,刚刚随父母搬家到弗罗里达州. 按照学校的规矩,新人当然会受到排斥和欺负,但幸运的是,罗伊很快交了两个知心好友. 不料此时,三个小伙伴无意之中发现,地产开发商计划开发一个新的项目,

4. hoot的意思

4. 猫头鹰的叫声:他的创作颇丰 其中包括好几本畅销小说 最著名的有<<猫头鹰的叫声>>(Hoot)、<<诺亚的小船>>(flush)、<<生病的小狗>>(Sick Puppy)等. 有关希尔森及共著作的更多信息 详见www.carlhiaasen.com.

hoot 词典解释

1. 按(汽车喇叭);(汽车喇叭)鸣响
    If you hoot the horn on a vehicle or if it hoots, it makes a loud noise on one note.

    e.g. I never hoot my horn when I pick a girl up for a date...
    e.g. Somewhere in the distance a siren hooted...

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用honk,toot

2. 高声大笑;(表示反对而)喊叫
    If you hoot, you make a loud high-pitched noise when you are laughing or showing disapproval.

    e.g. The protesters chanted, blew whistles and hooted at the name of Governor Pete Wilson...
    e.g. Bev hooted with laughter.

3. (猫头鹰)发出鸣叫声
    When an owl hoots, it makes a sound like a long 'oo'.

    e.g. Out in the garden an owl hooted suddenly.

4. 滑稽可笑的人(或事物)
    If you say that someone or something is a hoot, you think they are very amusing.

    e.g. Michael Fish is my favourite. He's a hoot, a real character.

5. 毫不在乎;根本不在意
    If you say that you don'tgive a hoot or don't care two hoots about something, you are emphasizing that you do not care at all about it.

    e.g. Alan doesn't care two hoots about Irish politics...
    e.g. They just don't give a hoot.

hoot 单语例句

1. She said in an interview with Netease that Lady Gaga was her idol, and she didn't care a hoot what anyone said about her looks.

2. That is not exactly a hoot for the kids in the audience, and their parents can suffer through that at home for free.

3. " It's been a hoot, " Lunney told the astronauts.

4. She thanked " these old artists on behalf of everyone in the audience ", at which point the first hoot was heard.

5. In the coalfields of eastern Kentucky, it's known as the hoot owl shift.

6. Whatever, it's the toot that always gets a hoot from me.

7. Hong Kong was a hoot and Guilin was gorgeous, but Beijing blew them away.

hoot 英英释义



1. something of little value

    e.g. his promise is not worth a damn
           not worth one red cent
           not worth shucks

    Synonym: damndarnred centshitshuckstinker's damntinker's dam

2. a loud raucous cry (as of an owl)

3. a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt

    Synonym: booBronx cheerhissraspberryrazzingrazzsnortbird



1. to utter a loud clamorous shout

    e.g. the toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums, drink arak, play dice, and dance

2. utter the characteristic sound of owls

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