
hot air是什么意思 hot air在线翻译 hot air什么意思 hot air的意思 hot air的翻译 hot air的解释 hot air的发音 hot air的同义词 hot air的反义词

hot air [hɔt eə(r)]  [hɑt er] 

hot air 基本解释

吹牛; 干热

hot air 相关例句


1. Her boyfriend is full of hot air.

hot air 网络解释

1. 热风:红外加热风(Hot air)回流焊:这类回流焊炉是在IR炉的基础上加上热风使炉内温度更均匀,单纯使用红外辐射加热时,人们发现在同样的加热环境内,不同材料及颜色吸收热量是不同的,即(1)式中Q值是不同的,因而引起的温升ΔT也不同,

2. 热空气:碳权的供给主要来自俄罗斯与东欧的热空气(hot air),未来二气化碳的盘查与查证、产品效能、总量管制...等国际上的机制也在逐渐建立中. 新科技仍是我们最倚仗的. 碳的捕捉和储存(CCS- Carbon Capture and Storage) 的计划,

3. hot air的近义词

3. 吹牛:可能微软真的没有吹牛(hot air)吧. 谷歌开发者大会(Google developer conference)充满了产品的发布消息,但是我们最为激动的一个产品发布消息是软件工程师Moishe Lettvin利用自己20%时间做的一个项目.

hot air 词典解释

1. 空话;大话;夸夸其谈
    If you say that someone's claims or promises are just hot air, you are criticizing them because they are made mainly to impress people and have no real value or meaning.

    e.g. His justification for the merger was just hot air...
    e.g. I'd come to the conclusion by then that he was all hot air.

hot air 单语例句

1. Commercial hot air balloon flights will be cancelled until further notice, according to the Civil Aviation Agency.

2. A large number of people including construction workers and migrant workers have to work in the open air despite hot weather.

3. The fans only made the hot air move faster, but did not cool it.

4. The aeronaut said the Strait has never been crossed before by a hot air balloon with a human pilot.

5. While keeping tea hot and keeping away dust, the cover keeps air flowing.

6. Papa Bear comes in the form of deflating housing prices as they release the hot air of easy money.

7. A piloted hot air balloon has never flown across the Taiwan Straits, he said.

8. In hot weather when there is high humidity in the air, the tin container should not be closed too tightly.

9. People inside glass curtain walls often feel cold in winter and hot in summer, leading to increased use of air conditioners.

10. Instead of using the air conditioners, she makes do with a fan despite the hot and sticky summer climate.

hot air 英英释义


1. loud and confused and empty talk

    e.g. mere rhetoric

    Synonym: palaverempty wordsempty talkrhetoric

2. air that has been heated and tends to rise

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