
housekeeping是什么意思 housekeeping在线翻译 housekeeping什么意思 housekeeping的意思 housekeeping的翻译 housekeeping的解释 housekeeping的发音

housekeeping [ˈhaʊski:pɪŋ]  [ˈhaʊsˌkipɪŋ] 


housekeeping 基本解释

名词家务,家政; (工商企业等的)总务; 家务管理; 家用开支

housekeeping 网络解释

1. 内务处理:智能引用代理 在访问一个对象时可以执行一些内务处理(Housekeeping)操作,比如计数操作等. 在后面的章节中会给出一个例子,供读者学习智能引用代理的实现细节. 模式的实现 代理模式可能并不知道真正的被代理对象,而仅仅持有一个被代理对象的接口.

2. 管家部:1999年11月--12月: 在湖南天园假日中心(四星级酒店)管家部(Housekeeping)实习,系统接受酒店客房服务管理的培训及实践操作(包括:客房服务、PA、洗衣房管理、开荒等) 2000年4月--5月: 在湖南某酒店(五星级)餐饮部(Food & Beverage Dp.)娱乐部实习,

3. 家政:1980年的处女作<<家政>>(Housekeeping)为她赢得了笔会/海明威奖,2004年的<<基列>>(Gilead)则获美国全国书评家协会奖和普利策小说奖. <<家>>出版于2008年,乃<<基列>>之续作,故事仍然发生在基列镇,讲牧师之女荣儿(Glory)回到镇上,

housekeeping 词典解释

1. 料理家务;家政管理
    Housekeeping is the work and organization involved in running a home, including the shopping and cleaning.

    e.g. I thought that cooking and housekeeping were unimportant, easy tasks.

2. (旅馆的)客房勤杂
    Housekeeping is the part of the organization of a hotel which deals with keeping the rooms clean and properly equipped.


3. 家务开支;家用钱
    Housekeeping is the money that you use to buy food, cleaning materials, and other things that you need in your home.


    e.g. ...the housekeeping money Jim gave her each week.

housekeeping 单语例句

1. It was an ad for a housekeeping company that was located just one block from my building - and the price was quite appealing.

2. Guests on the same floor and housekeeping staff cleaning their rooms will be quarantined at isolation camps and required to take dosages of Tamiflu.

3. Furthermore, dedicated housekeeping staff is stationed inside the toilet to maintain cleanness.

4. On the computer screen they stare at lists and the items for the housekeeping services of each individual.

5. Many of those women make excellent " housekeeping managers ", which are often paid wages well above the minimum customary standards.

6. According to a survey of the Fuzhou Home Economics Association, 60 percent of Fuzhou residents have a demand for housekeeping service.

7. Its top priority is to guide unemployed women in the right direction in career selection, helping them understand the nature of the modern housekeeping industry in particular.

8. A local housekeeping agency said employers have been known to discriminate against domestic help based on appearance or marital status.

9. Besides housekeeping services, the center has also launched employment intermediary services to extensively increase the rate of employment.

10. But two particularly enterprising girls snuck in through a side entrance and stole two housekeeping outfits.


housekeeping 英英释义



1. the work of cleaning and running a house

    Synonym: housework

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