
hovel是什么意思 hovel在线翻译 hovel什么意思 hovel的意思 hovel的翻译 hovel的解释 hovel的发音 hovel的同义词 hovel的反义词 hovel的例句

hovel [ˈhɒvl]  [ˈhʌvl] 


hovel 基本解释



hovel 相关例句


1. They lived in overcrowded hovels.

hovel 网络解释

1. 茅舍:莎拉住处前的右侧,有间茅舍(Hovel),有人躲在里面睡大觉. 阿达将胸罩和梯子做成防滑梯,然后将梯子靠在茅舍入屋内. 趁睡觉的人翻身时,拿走他身上的金钥匙(Key). 然后收起梯子离开. 回到现实世界,在魔法大学内的餐厅,用鼓槌敲锣(Gong).

2. 小屋:hove 举起 | hovel 小屋 | hoveler 无照领港员

3. 茅舍;遮蔽物;栅;窑的圆锥形外壳:housing 壳 | hovel 茅舍;遮蔽物;栅;窑的圆锥形外壳 | hover 垫升

4. 茅舍,肮脏的小屋:27.hostility 敌对,不友好,憎恨 | 28.hovel 茅舍,肮脏的小屋 | 29.hover 翱翔;(人)徘徊

hovel 双语例句

1. The quality of the blessing was strange and healing; the solitary man walking along that road, and the hovel by the wayside, were bathed in it.

2. hovel的意思

2. On the following day, Ma'am Bougon, as Courfeyrac styled the old portress-principal-tenant, housekeeper of the Gorbeau hovel, Ma'am Bougon, whose name was, in reality, Madame Burgon, as we have found out, but this iconoclast, Courfeyrac, respected nothing, -- Ma'am Bougon observed, with stupefaction, that M.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. On the following day, Ma'am Bougon, as Courfeyrac styled the old portress-principal-tenant, housekeeper of the Gorbeau hovel, Ma'am Bougon, whose name was, in reality, Madame Burgon, as we have found out, but this iconoclast, Courfeyrac, respected nothing, -- Ma'am Bougon observed, with stupefaction, that M. Marius was going out again in his new coat.

4. CHAPTER V DIVRS CLAPS OF THUNDER FALL ON MA'AM BOUGON Chinese On the following day, Ma'am Bougon, as Courfeyrac styled the old portress-principal-tenant, housekeeper of the Gorbeau hovel, Ma'am Bougon, whose name was, in reality, Madame Burgon, as we have found out, but this iconoclast, Courfeyrac, respected nothing, -- Ma'am Bougon observed, with stupefaction, that M. Marius was going out again in his new coat.
    五 连续落在布贡妈头上的雷火英文第二天,布贡妈棗古费拉克给戈尔博老屋的看门兼二房东兼管家老妇人的称呼,她的真名是毕尔贡妈妈,这我们已经见过,而古费拉克这个冒失鬼对什么也不尊敬棗,布贡妈大吃一惊,注意到马吕斯又穿上全身新衣出门去了。

5. This hovel was only one story high.

6. Today I was in the woods and went into a hovel to get out of the rain.

7. Leblanc. Now, in order to form an idea of the scene which is to follow, let the reader picture to himself in his own mind, a cold night, the solitudes of the Salpetriere covered with snow and white as winding-sheets in the moonlight, the taper-like lights of the street lanterns which shone redly here and there along those tragic boulevards, and the long rows of black elms, not a passer-by for perhaps a quarter of a league around, the Gorbeau hovel, at its highest pitch of silence, of horror, and of darkness; in that building, in the midst of those solitudes, in the midst of that darkness, the vast Jondrette garret lighted by a single candle, and in that den two men seated at a table, M.

8. hovel的翻译

8. After initial greetings were exchanged, Themesz took Leonus and Victor inside the small hovel to rest from their journey.

9. The hovel was completely illuminated, as it were, by the reflection from a rather large sheet-iron brazier standing in the fireplace, and filled with burning charcoal, the brazier prepared by the Jondrette woman that morning.

10. hovel

10. While you were feasting at your bountifully spread table, I was famishing in the hovel or the empty street.

11. He had a son, Loush, and lived in this hovel in the bank besides the road.

12. Right in the heart of the woods he was caught in a storm and took refuge in a hovel.

13. I sat with my father, drinking tea with him in his miserable hovel, and playing with the child, who was pleased with my dress and jewels, but quite unconscious that I was anything but a stranger to him.

14. It is far superior to the hovel at Woodend, and the small house at Saint Leonard's Crags

15. danci.911cha.com

15. This has got to be without a doubt the worlds worst, filthiest hovel!!!!!

16. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to hovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.

17. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

17. He returned to his hovel in despair.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

18. There was no bread in the hovel, but there was still tobacco.

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19. No, I will not share this filthy hovel with all those creatures!

20. They lived in a squalid hovel for the next five years.

hovel 词典解释

1. (尤指破败不堪的)小屋,茅舍
    A hovel is a small hut, especially one which is dirty or needs a lot of repair.


    e.g. They lived in a squalid hovel for the next five years.

2. 肮脏简陋的住处
    You describe a house, room, or flat as a hovel to express your disapproval or dislike of it because it is dirty, untidy, and in poor condition.

    e.g. I went for a living-in job, but the room I was given was a hovel.

hovel 单语例句

1. It is a most democratic food - appearing equally at home on the most opulent banquet tables or the poorest pauper's hovel.


hovel 英英释义


1. small crude shelter used as a dwelling

    Synonym: huthutchshackshanty

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