
hub是什么意思 hub在线翻译 hub什么意思 hub的意思 hub的翻译 hub的解释 hub的发音 hub的同义词 hub的反义词 hub的例句 hub的相关词组

hub [hʌb]  [hʌb] 


hub 基本解释

名词轮轴; 中心,焦点; (电器面板上的)电线插孔; [计]集线器

hub 网络解释

1. 花鼓:轮圈(Rims) + 钢丝幅条(Spokes) + 幅条接头(Nipples) + 花鼓(Hub)像旅行车( Trekking Bike )可以加装货架,适合长途旅行如环岛的路程使用. 城市车( City Bike )适合在都市内当一个单车贵族短程通勤用.

2. 轮毂:主要产品及服务:在线检测设备; 刹车制动盘在线自动测量设备; 车桥自动测量设备; 外轮裂缝自动检查设备; 凸轮轴自动测量设备; 轮毂(HUB)自动测量设备; 制动毂自动测量设备; 材料检测设备; 活塞自动测量设备; 连杆自动测量设备;

3. 集成器:计算机网络基础、WIN2000服务器的安装和管理、WIN2000无盘终端技术、综合布线、双绞线和同轴电缆的制作、集成器(HUB)交换机(SWITCH)的安装、ADSL网吧的组建与日常维护.

4. hub在线翻译

4. hub:to hub; 跳接线

hub 词典解释

1. (活动的)中心,核心
    You can describe a place as a hub of an activity when it is a very important centre for that activity.

    e.g. The island's social hub is the Cafe Sport...
    e.g. As a hub of finance and communications, Paris is now almost equal to London.

2. (轮)毂
    The hub of a wheel is the part at the centre.

3. 航空枢纽;中心机场
    A hub or a hub airport is a large airport from which you can travel to many other airports.

    e.g. ...a campaign to secure Heathrow's place as Europe's main international hub.

4. (网络)集线器
    A hub is a device for connecting computers in a network.

hub 单语例句


1. But its reputation as an important transportation and business hub in the US is less familiar.

2. It offers soaring views of the bustling business hub, where construction cranes vie for visual turf with tourist attractions.

3. The city wants to quicken its steps towards the international shipping and logistics hub by virtue of the collaboration.

4. In this traditional economic hub of Malaysia, the most active businessmen are undoubtedly Chinese.

5. China is a very important manufacturing hub for Canon as we maintain close relationships there with many of our suppliers.

6. The rail link between the nation's capital and financial hub Shanghai is expected to cost about 220 billion yuan.

7. Air travel between China and India will be made easier with a new direct flight between China's economic hub Shanghai and India's capital Delhi.

8. Xinjiang's capital and hub for most flights coming from Central Asia is Urumqi, meaning " beautiful pasture " in Mongolian.

9. Jalisco state has long been considered the hub of Sinaloa's methamphetamine trafficking, thought the army statement didn't indicate which Mexican cartel may have been involved.

10. Georgia is a hub of oil and natural gas pipes from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean.

hub 英英释义



1. the central part of a car wheel (or fan or propeller etc) through which the shaft or axle passes

2. a center of activity or interest or commerce or transportation
    a focal point around which events revolve

    e.g. the playground is the hub of parental supervision
           the airport is the economic hub of the area

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