
hull是什么意思 hull在线翻译 hull什么意思 hull的意思 hull的翻译 hull的解释 hull的发音 hull的同义词 hull的反义词 hull的例句 hull的相关词组

hull [hʌl]  [hʌl] 


hull 基本解释

名词外壳; 果皮,外皮; [航海]船壳,船体


hull 相关例句


1. Rice is gathered, cleaned and hulled before being sold.

2. Would you help me hull these berries?

hull 网络解释

1. hull的近义词

1. 赫尔大学:glia)赫尔大学(Hull) 诺丁汉大学(Nottingham) 贝尔法斯特皇后大学(Queen's Belfast)阿伯丁大学(Aberdeen) 纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle) 牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes)利兹大学(Leeds) 格拉斯哥大学(Glasgow) 伦敦大学亚非学院(Soas)萨里大学(Surrey) 伯明翰大学(Birmingham) 曼彻斯特大学(Manchester)卡迪夫大学(Cardif

2. 赫尔:品种:菲尔杜德(Fertodi) 哈瑞太兹(Heritage) 欧洲无刺红 ...品种:凯依娃 赫尔(Hull) 沙尼(Shawnee) 产地分别为:南京,江苏,北京

3. 船体:Tech III(T3)船舰是于<>资料片中新增的船舰等级,目前游戏中仅有战略巡洋舰(Strategic Cruiser)一种,Tech III船舰是高度模组化的船舰,一艘船舰由船体(Hull)和五个不同部位的子系统(Subsystem)所组成,

4. 外壳:我现在的工作流程里选取点要反复于进入多边形模式和返回细分模式....这真有点烦人,我知道我能显示出多边形的外壳(hull)但那首先很难全部简化显示. 还有,当对细分表面使用象加边这种工具时,

hull 词典解释

1. 船体;(坦克的)车身
    The hull of a boat or tank is the main body of it.

    e.g. The hull had suffered extensive damage to the starboard side.

...a steel-hulled narrow-boat.

2. (草莓等浆果的)花萼
    The hull of a soft fruit such as a strawberry is the stalk and ring of leaves at the base.


3. 除去(草莓等浆果)的花萼
    If you hull soft fruit such as strawberries, you remove the hulls.

    e.g. Wash and hull the strawberries.

hull 单语例句

1. Lance Corporal Matty Hull was killed by US friendly fire during the second week of the invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003.

2. Cousin should have increased Hull's lead when he met Ricketts'cross with a glancing header but his effort slipped just wide.

3. The heavy seas also cracked the hull of another oil tanker, but the ship was afloat and not leaking.

4. He said rescue divers continuously knocked on the hull of the ship but the sailors did not signal back.

5. Stoke last played in the top flight 23 years ago while Hull have never been in the top division since its formation 104 years ago.

6. The coach's wheels are retracted into the hull to reduce drag and allows it to reach speeds of up to 8 knots.

7. Divers are still searching the upturned hull of the Herald of Free Enterprise for air pockets in which passengers may have survived.

8. Hull's defence then proceeded to fall apart and Liverpool took the advantage, denying the Tigers who could not win possession of the ball.

9. During the Hull game chants off " Love United, hate Glazer " and " stand up if you hate Glazer " echoed around the stadium.

10. Hull will go up automatically if it wins at Ipswich and Stoke loses.

hull 英英释义



1. the frame or body of ship

2. persistent enlarged calyx at base of e.g. a strawberry or raspberry

3. dry outer covering of a fruit or seed or nut



1. remove the hulls from

    e.g. hull the berries

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