
hunting是什么意思 hunting在线翻译 hunting什么意思 hunting的意思 hunting的翻译 hunting的解释 hunting的发音 hunting的同义词 hunting的反义词

hunting [ˈhʌntɪŋ]  [ˈhʌntɪŋ] 


hunting 基本解释

名词打猎; 搜索,追寻; [电](同步电动机的)速度偏差


hunting 网络解释

1. hunting什么意思

1. 捕猎:Q24,文中提到的造成种群灭绝的原因包括滥砍滥伐(deforestation),捕猎(hunting),捕杀以获取动物制品(kill to get animal products)等,所有原因均与人类活动有关.

2. 打猎:物种间的补食是一种自然的生态现象. 史氏的<<神话与本文>><打猎>(Hunting)第八首,更将被猎人所杀害的鹿描述成慈悲的献身:

3. 摆动:SCR 型自动电压调整器中,为抑制发电机的追逐摆动(hunting)现象而造成动作过度, ...本试题共50 题,每题2 分,共100 分,请依题号顺序作答. 3. 本试题均为单一选择题,每题都 .... 如图(七请问该等效电路图为何种激磁发电机之电路图?

hunting 词典解释

1. 打猎;狩猎;(野兽的)猎食
    Hunting is the chasing and killing of wild animals by people or other animals, for food or as a sport.

    e.g. Hunting is one of Italy's most popular sports...
    e.g. Deer hunting was banned in Scotland in 1959.

2. 搜寻;寻找
    Hunting is the activity of searching for a particular thing.

    e.g. Jobclub can help you with job hunting.

hunting 单语例句

1. Like the Mongolian herdsmen in the book who call the wolf their teacher, modern business executives say the animal's hunting technique is very instructive.

2. State officials blamed this year's increased hunting in part on heavy snow, which kept wolf packs at lower elevations where sheep and cattle range.

3. Jamison is enjoying the newfound celebrity generated by the hog hunt, but he said he prefers hunting pheasants to monster pigs.

4. But he said hunting down bin Laden remains a high priority for the Central Intelligence Agency.

5. Shopaholics hunting for souvenirs can find anything from ornate silver Miao headgear to cheerful straw figures in the stores and kiosks surrounding the octagonal pavilion.

6. So I inadvertently convinced 28 floors of residents that I had found a mysterious hunting cheetah loose in their building.

7. SHANGHAI - Hunting down and replacing public signs written in " Chinglish " has been a priority for the Shanghai government over the past few years.

8. The government recruits civil servants in October every year, exactly the time when new graduates start hunting for jobs.

9. War crimes investigators will also head into Kosovo hunting for evidence of massacres, ethnic cleansing and torture.

10. Up to 150 armed officers searched through 920 hectares of mountain forests to clear away such illegal hunting equipment over the past month.

hunting 英英释义


1. the pursuit and killing or capture of wild animals regarded as a sport

    Synonym: hunt

2. the work of finding and killing or capturing animals for food or pelts

    Synonym: hunt

3. the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone

    Synonym: searchhunt

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