
hurdle是什么意思 hurdle在线翻译 hurdle什么意思 hurdle的意思 hurdle的翻译 hurdle的解释 hurdle的发音 hurdle的同义词 hurdle的反义词 hurdle的例句

hurdle [ˈhɜ:dl]  [ˈhɜ:rdl] 


hurdle 基本解释

名词障碍,困难; 跳栏; 障碍赛跑; [史]囚笼,囚车

不及物动词克服困难; 越过障碍; 参加跨栏赛跑

及物动词跳过障碍; 跳栏; 用疏篱围住; 克服困难

hurdle 相关例句


1. hurdle是什么意思

1. The horse hurdled both the fence and the ditch.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The horse hurdled the fence with ease.


1. hurdle的解释

1. He overcame many hurdles to become a lawyer.

2. The final hurdles have been removed.

hurdle 网络解释

1. hurdle的近义词

1. 跨栏:110m男子跨栏(Hurdle)冠军是12:96,仍不及刘翔的world record 12:88;女子撑竿跳高(Pole Vault)打破了美国记录,挑战世界记录失败;1500m决赛(final)一个16岁长发及腰的初中小姑娘,成为一道亮丽的风景;

2. 栏:郭晶晶(CHN) 依然超杀:Lisbeth Trickett 游泳天王团:(USA)马琳(CHN) 羽球天才:林丹(CHN) 羽球无双:女子跳高(High Jump)金牌 女子撑竿跳(Pole Vault)金牌男子标枪(Javelin Throw)金牌(表情真的超臭屁的) 男子110公尺跨栏(Hurdle)金牌在未来更无国界的世界里,

3. hurdle在线翻译

3. 跨栏跑:自从刘翔在雅典奥运会为亚洲夺得110米栏的金牌后,跨栏跑成了我们现在最喜爱的田径项目. 那你对跨栏跑了解多少呢?一起来了解下吧. 跨栏跑(Hurdle)起源于英国. 17~18世纪时,英国牧羊人经常跨越羊圈,这种游戏逐渐演变为跨栏跑. 成为田径比赛项目已有10 0多年历史.

4. 障碍:humiliate使......丢脸 | hurdle障碍 | hypercritical吹毛求疵的

hurdle 词典解释

1. 障碍;困难;难关
    A hurdle is a problem, difficulty, or part of a process that may prevent you from achieving something.

    e.g. Two-thirds of candidates fail at this first hurdle and are packed off home...
    e.g. The weather will be the biggest hurdle so I have to be ready.

2. 跨栏赛跑;障碍赛跑
    Hurdles is a race in which people have to jump over a number of obstacles that are also called hurdles. You can use hurdles to refer to one or more races.

    e.g. Davis won the 400m. hurdles in a new Olympic time of 49.3 sec.

3. (在跑步过程中)跳跃,跨越
    If you hurdle, you jump over something while you are running.

    e.g. He crossed the lawn and hurdled the short fence...
    e.g. She learnt to hurdle by leaping over bales of hay on her family's farm.

hurdle 单语例句

1. " The biggest hurdle is the lack of a sound credit information system, " Xu tells China Business Weekly.

2. The key hurdle to such a deal is an agreement between the parties on who should be the next chancellor.

3. The case is the latest legal hurdle Apple has had to clear in China.

4. The biggest hurdle is getting clearance from the local government officials, failing which marketing activities of the show come to a halt.

5. But she slammed into the last hurdle while leading the 1992 Olympic final, crawling to the finish line in fifth place.

6. The women's side of the draw was a much more eventful affair, with three of the top eight seeds failing to make it past the first hurdle.

7. The analyst said he believes engine problems will be the biggest hurdle in making the newest delivery date.

8. Peng and Sun Tiantian had also gone out at the first hurdle, but Yan insisted there was no reason for despondency.

9. Limited technological levels are a tall hurdle for China to leap over in its efforts to develop renewable energy resources.

10. Morey said Clanton's diagnosis was a " key hurdle " in Yao's road back.

hurdle 英英释义


1. the act of jumping over an obstacle

    Synonym: vault

2. a light movable barrier that competitors must leap over in certain races

3. an obstacle that you are expected to overcome

    e.g. the last hurdle before graduation



1. jump a hurdle

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