
idea是什么意思 idea在线翻译 idea什么意思 idea的意思 idea的翻译 idea的解释 idea的发音 idea的同义词 idea的反义词 idea的例句 idea的相关词组

idea [aɪˈdɪə]  [aɪˈdi:ə] 


idea 基本解释


名词主意,想法; [哲]理念,观念; [乐]乐句; 模糊想法

idea 相关词组

1. have no idea of : 不知道..., 想象不到...;

idea 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. He is full of ideas.

2. My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life.

3. He destroyed feudal ideas in literature.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. She'll have her own ideas about that.

5. I had no idea about that.

idea 情景对话



A:Don’t you think it might be a good idea to hold the party outside?

B:I don’t think so.

A:How about going to a concert?


B:That suits me fine.


A:What time is it, Tom?


B:Just a minute. It’s ten to nine by my watch.


A:Is it? I had no idea it was so late. I must be off now.


B:What’s the hurry?


A:I must catch the nine-thirty train.

In the museum-(在展览馆)


A:Wow! I can’t believe I’m standing here!


B:What are you so excited about?


A:I’m standing in front of an exquisite work of art!

B:What’s the big deal? It’s just a picture of some woman.


A:I’ve seen it so many times in books, but I never imagined I’d get to see it in person.

B:There are tons of other paintings that I think are better.

A:Maybe so, but do you have any idea how much this one is worth?!

B:No, how much is it worth?

A:About 80 million dollars.


idea 网络解释

1. idea:internationional data encryption algorithm; 国际数据加密算法

2. idea:international data encryption algorithm; 国际数据加密算法(128位,苏黎世大学1992年开发)

3. idea:industrial design excellence awards; 年工业设计卓越奖

4. idea:ideological and political education aim; 目的

idea 词典解释

1. 计划;建议;提议
    An idea is a plan, suggestion, or possible course of action.


    e.g. It's a good idea to plan ahead...
    e.g. I really like the idea of helping people...

2. 意见;看法;信念
    An idea is an opinion or belief about what something is like or should be like.

    e.g. Some of his ideas about democracy are entirely his own.
    e.g. ...the idea that reading too many books ruins your eyes...

3. 大致的情况;大致概念
    If someone gives you an idea of something, they give you information about it without being very exact or giving a lot of detail.

    e.g. This table will give you some idea of how levels of ability can be measured...
    e.g. Could you give us an idea of the range of complaints you've been receiving?...

4. (对…的)一定了解,些许的认识
    If you have an idea of something, you know about it to some extent.


    e.g. By the end of the week you will have a clear idea of what your eating habits are...
    e.g. No one has any real idea how much the company will make next year.

5. 猜测;猜想
    If you have an idea that something is the case, you think that it may be the case, although you are not certain.

    e.g. I had an idea that he joined the army later, but I may be wrong.

6. 目标;目的
    The idea of an action or activity is its aim or purpose.

    e.g. The idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.

7. 打算;意图
    If you have the idea of doing something, you intend to do it.


    e.g. He sent for a number of books he admired with the idea of re-reading them...
    e.g. I had to postpone ideas of a career and stay at home.

8. (表示强调)我不知道/我一点儿都不知道
    You can use idea in expressions such as I've no idea or I haven't the faintest idea to emphasize that you do not know something.

    e.g. 'Is she coming by coach?' — 'Well I've no idea.'
    e.g. We haven't the faintest idea where he is.

9. 理解;懂得;明白
    If someone gets the idea, they understand how to do something or they understand what you are telling them.


    e.g. It isn't too difficult once you get the idea...
    e.g. You're beginning to get the idea.

10. (强调好或糟糕的程度)你都意想不到,你想象不出
    You can say you have no idea to emphasize how good or bad something is.

    e.g. We are both so happy, you have no idea...
    e.g. You have no idea how depressed it made me.

idea 单语例句

1. The idea of carving out his own business began to take form.

2. The idea came to Rao after spending 10 years in the United States, where he attended Stanford University's business school and later founded a social networking website.

3. There is nothing new about the idea of marriage as a business transaction.

4. The businessman only came across the idea of " green collar " a year ago but has been familiar with such a lifestyle for quite a while.

5. But then, he had no idea he would compete either - he went as a spectator.

6. The idea was to buy their own materials and cut out the middleman.

7. The idea is to curb realty speculation by increasing the cost of buying property.

8. Now Chen has totally given up on the idea of purchasing a house and may consider buying again in three years.

9. One idea is that an icy object from the outer solar system was lured in close and broken apart by Saturn's impressive gravity.

10. Chinese athletes need to stop acting with a childish victim mentality that makes them lash out with violence to gain some warped idea of respect.

idea 英英释义


1. an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth

    e.g. an estimate of what it would cost
           a rough idea how long it would take

    Synonym: estimateestimationapproximation

2. the content of cognition
    the main thing you are thinking about

    e.g. it was not a good idea
           the thought never entered my mind

    Synonym: thought

3. a personal view

    e.g. he has an idea that we don't like him

4. your intention
    what you intend to do

    e.g. he had in mind to see his old teacher
           the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces

    Synonym: mind

5. (music) melodic subject of a musical composition

    e.g. the theme is announced in the first measures
           the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it

    Synonym: thememelodic thememusical theme

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