
idiom是什么意思 idiom在线翻译 idiom什么意思 idiom的意思 idiom的翻译 idiom的解释 idiom的发音 idiom的同义词 idiom的反义词 idiom的例句

idiom [ˈɪdiəm]  [ˈɪdiəm] 


idiom 基本解释

名词习语,成语; 方言,土语; (语言)风格; 惯用语法

idiom 相关例句


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1. She reads with a sharp eye for idiom.

2. He spoke in the idiom of the New England countryside.

idiom 网络解释

1. idiom的反义词

1. 成语:我的朋友C总是对我说,他觉得英语里最难的学的是那些短语(phrase)、成语(idiom)和俚语(slang). 他学英语已经很久了,这些年单词记了一大堆,就连托福(TOEFL)词汇,GRE词汇手册几乎都背过了,可是读书读报时遇到一些成语,却还是常常被绊住.

2. 惯用语:.惯用语(idiom)是一种固定的短语,它的意思与组成这个短语的单词的意思没有关系. 短语动词经常有字面上或惯用的意思;.口语(colloquial)是日常生活中使用的非正式语言;俚语(slang)比口语更随意,往往有些低俗,在正式的说话或写作中一般是不用的:

3. 习用语:(4) 选用具体的(specific)词习用语(idiom)是一种固定的搭配,它不可以拆开来加以理解,而应从整体上来理解其意义. 英语中的习用语较为丰富,对它们进行适当和正确的使用,会使得英语作文更加生动,更具有表达力. ?

idiom 词典解释

1. (音乐、舞蹈、建筑的)风格,特色
    A particular idiom is a particular style of something such as music, dance, or architecture.

    e.g. McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one...
    e.g. It was an old building in the local idiom.

2. 习语;成语
    An idiom is a group of words which have a different meaning when used together from the one they would have if you took the meaning of each word separately.

    e.g. Proverbs and idioms may become worn with overuse...
    e.g. She is, in fact, a perfect illustration of the French idiom 'to be comfortable in one's own skin.'

3. 方言;土语
    Idiom of a particular kind is the language that people use at a particular time or in a particular place.

    e.g. And nothing was so irritating as the confident way he used archaic idiom.
    e.g. ...her command of the Chinese idiom.

idiom 单语例句


1. " The leaps of a steed comes from the teetering of a colt, " He Siqi translated her favorite Dongba idiom after saying it in fluent Naxi language.

2. As the Chinese idiom says, the first step is the hardest.

3. A Chinese idiom says that it is better to teach someone how to fish for themselves rather than to constantly supply them with fish.

4. The headline was an idiom that contains a word that also can be used as a racial slur against Chinese.

5. The idiom is not far from the mark because Guilin is easily one of China's most picturesque places to visit.

6. Some commentators have claimed that the idiom implies that China is hiding the shining edge of its sword.

7. We are going to a section that even created an idiom in the Chinese language - " Iron and hot water ".

8. Each idiom only consists of about four characters but describes an event with deep meaning.

9. " We labeled this Chinese idiom on our mooncakes to cater to stockholders, " said a company manager.

10. The bottom bears an idiom with the character for the tiger, a wish for good health.

idiom 英英释义


1. the style of a particular artist or school or movement

    e.g. an imaginative orchestral idiom

    Synonym: artistic style

2. a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language

    Synonym: parlance

3. an expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up

    Synonym: idiomatic expressionphrasal idiomset phrasephrase

4. the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people

    e.g. the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English
           he has a strong German accent
           it has been said that a language is a dialect with an army and navy

    Synonym: dialectaccent

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