
illumination是什么意思 illumination在线翻译 illumination什么意思 illumination的意思 illumination的翻译 illumination的解释 illumination的发音

illumination [ɪˌlu:mɪˈneɪʃn]  [ɪˌluməˈneʃən] 


illumination 基本解释

名词照明; 阐明,解释清楚; <物>照度; 彩饰,图案花饰

illumination 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. We are going to town to see the illuminations.

2. He sought illumination from the works of the great philosophers.

illumination 网络解释

1. 照明:当 LEDs 发光效率(lm/W)每年持续提升的同时, LED s各产业链是否已经成熟到足以进入各种 照明 (illumination)市场之大量应用需求这个问题一直都是各方争论的焦点.

2. illumination的翻译

2. 亮度:HSI模型是基于视觉原理的模型,其定义了3个互不相关、容易预测的颜色属性:色度(Hue)、饱和度(Saturation)和明亮度(Illumination),其中的色度属性能较准确地反映颜色种类,对外界光照条件的变化敏感程度低.

3. 照度:所以黑白摄影机适用于光线不足之地区或夜晚无法安装照明设备之地点. ▼ 照度(illumination)依照安装地点的亮度来选择摄影机. 如果地点的亮度超过最低物体亮度10倍以上时,画面一定清晰 .

illumination 词典解释

1. 照明;照亮
    Illumination is the lighting that a place has.

    e.g. The only illumination came from a small window high in the opposite wall.

2. 彩灯;灯饰
    Illuminations are coloured lights which are put up in towns, especially at Christmas, in order to make them look attractive, especially at night.


    e.g. ...the famous Blackpool illuminations.

3. 觉悟;启发;精神启示
    You can use illumination to describe an increased understanding of something, especially something of a religious or spiritual nature.


    e.g. ...a sense of illumination...
    e.g. No further illumination can be had from this theory.

illumination 单语例句

1. The illumination casts gentle streams on the centre on the table and people can sit on soft sofas.

2. The guns fired illumination rounds after dark to help Marines on the ground spot attackers.

3. Some scientists of the time described Darwin's words as a stabbing ray of light, a simple but brilliant illumination.

4. The only remaining illumination comes from street lamps and dimly lit front doors of " adult shops " or " sex shops ".

5. An illumination of The Tao, it is a guiding principle of the universe and all within it.

6. He refers to his " conditional representational painting style " as " illumination " rather than replication.

7. Almost all the residents have access to clean drinking water and electricity, putting an end to the history of using lamp for illumination.

8. Traditional brackets often turn dark after pronged heat exposure, which then affects illumination.

9. Under the illumination of neon lamps, many Shanghainese enjoy themselves in DJ music and hot dances at parties.

10. Lights on the trucks can provide enough illumination to read a book within 300 meters.

illumination 英英释义



1. painting or drawing included in a book (especially in illuminated medieval manuscripts)

    Synonym: miniature

2. the luminous flux incident on a unit area

    Synonym: illuminance

3. an interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding

    e.g. the professor's clarification helped her to understand the textbook

    Synonym: clarificationelucidation

4. the degree of visibility of your environment

5. a condition of spiritual awareness
    divine illumination

    e.g. follow God's light

    Synonym: light

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