
imagery是什么意思 imagery在线翻译 imagery什么意思 imagery的意思 imagery的翻译 imagery的解释 imagery的发音 imagery的同义词 imagery的反义词

imagery [ˈɪmɪdʒəri]  [ˈɪmɪdʒri] 


imagery 基本解释

名词意象; 比喻,形象化的描述; 〈集合词〉像,肖像,画像,雕像; 塑像术


imagery 网络解释

1. 影像:如上图所示,当前光标所在位置座标为:冒号左边为灰度值,右边为影像内存区(Image Plane)的顺序编号(3)影像(Imagery)组合显示PCI影像文件将各种栅格数据(包括各波段Band影像数据)集中存放在相应类型的通道(Channel).

2. 比喻:P3:一些复杂的理论(complex ideas)不能被计算机传授. 计算机可以判断联想(association),比喻(imagery)都是课堂上常用的教学方式,老师可以通过

3. 心像:语言系统处理语言讯息,并将它以字符(logogens)为基本单位编码储存在文字记忆区;非语言系统则是处理非语言讯息,在实验中是以视觉影像为主,编码是以心像(imagery)作为其基本单位存储在图像记忆区,也在对应的语言记忆区留下一个文字对照版本.

imagery 词典解释

1. 意象;形象化描述
    You can refer to the descriptions in something such as a poem or song, and the pictures they create in your mind, as its imagery .


    e.g. ...the nature imagery of the ballad.

2. (尤指具有象征意义的)图片,意象,形象
    You can refer to pictures and representations of things as imagery, especially when they act as symbols.

    e.g. This is an ambitious and intriguing movie, full of striking imagery.

imagery 单语例句

1. Observers agree with Gates'remarks on following local rules, noting the US bans child pornography while France bans Internet access to Nazi imagery.

2. Pepsi features iconic silhouette imagery of the King of Pop on cans with the launch of collectible limited edition designs.

3. It was learned that these published fashion trends are the result of many years of subtly researching what color imagery appeals to oriental people.

4. They convey the liveliness of the season with vivid color schemes, joyous imagery and exaggerated expressions.

5. The US military now has a $ 1 billion contract with two commercial satellite companies to buy space imagery.

6. Most of his pieces presented in the auction focused on the traditional Chinese imagery, like the boy cowherd and cattle.

7. The different layers of imagery are brought together by a unifying aesthetic expression, a blend of pop and comic strips.

8. Gecko Theater's artistic director Amit Lahav reinvents the story through a blend of bold physicality, beautiful imagery and evocative music.

9. Gecko Theater gives Gogol's The Overcoat new life with a blend of bold physicality, beautiful imagery and evocative music.

10. The names evoke poetic imagery, which unite the beauty of landscapes and Taoism's reverence for nature.

imagery 英英释义



1. the ability to form mental images of things or events

    e.g. he could still hear her in his imagination

    Synonym: imaginationimagingmental imagery

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